Children's birthday table decoration, holiday design ideas

When a child has a holiday, friends are invited, each parent wants to make this day unforgettable. For everything to be at the highest level, you need to know how to decorate a children's table for a birthday, depending on the age, gender and preferences of the child. It is important not only the color scheme, but also the materials of the dishes, the length of the tablecloth and other nuances. ...
  • If the orchid is in trouble: why do the leaves and roots turn black and how to help the plant?

    What can be more beautiful and attractive than a blooming orchid. However, maintaining plants in a healthy state is not an easy task. They are quite demanding of home growing conditions. The admission of minimal errors in care will entail serious consequences. A flower may become more susceptible to disease and pests. ...
  • TOP 12 beaches in Crete

    Where are the best beaches of Crete - the most popular question among all vacationers of the island. In this article, we will talk about which of the three seas washing Crete is best for families with children, where to go for fun, and where the atmosphere of peace reigns. Make your vacation unforgettable - choose the best beaches of Crete on the map (Russian) at the bottom of the page and hit the road! ...
  • 5 Star Hotels in Kemer - TOP 7

    Any traveler wants to receive from the long-awaited trip only positive emotions and impressions, and often the quality of the vacation is affected by the hotel we book. If you plan to visit the favorite Turkish resort of Kemer, it is very important to choose the right hotel that can provide you with a high level of service and excellent conditions for relaxation. ...
  • How to make a stand for stationery trifles from a wooden block

    It is amazing how many useful objects you can create with your own hands from auxiliary materials to give the interior a finished look! The increased gifts of modern designers are caused by the gifts of nature - wood, leather, stones and metal. Products made from these natural materials are of particular value due to their pristine appearance and amazing qualities. ...
  • What can be a small bed armchair in a small room, selection criteria

    Small-sized rooms sometimes do not leave room for imagination for interior decoration. The main task in the arrangement of such apartments is the choice of compact comfortable furniture. If the bedroom is combined with the living room, small bed chairs for small rooms will be a good alternative to bulky sofas. ...
  • What is the use of radish for men and when can a vegetable do harm?

    Radish adds aromatic and flavorful notes to many dishes. But not everyone is aware of the benefits of this root crop for the male body. Let's take a closer look at why men need to eat this vegetable in the ripening season. The rest of the article describes how this root crop affects men's health, and also what are the characteristics of its composition. ...
  • Stylish kitchen decor: ideas and workshops

    The kitchen is a special place in every home. After all, it is here that the whole family gathers for evening tea drinking and sincere conversations. Therefore, it should be not only functional, but also beautiful, comfortable. Various little things will help to make the kitchen just like that, you will learn about the features of their creation right now. ...
  • We know how to grow a wonderful Decembrist at home.

    Schlumbergera is the more correct name for that plant, which in everyday life is usually called the Decembrist or Christmas tree. It belongs to epiphytic cacti and is quite unpretentious to growing and propagating at home. But any, initially wild-growing flower, requires compliance with growing conditions, at least remotely resembling the original natural environment. ...
  • Propagation of evergreen begonia and further care of the flower

    Begonia is believed to have an antibacterial effect. Present in the room, it cleans the air of viruses, germs, eliminates unpleasant odors. And the plant is credited with all sorts of magical properties, supposedly a flower can absorb negative energy, set people up in a positive way. In any case, having this exotic beauty at home will not bring harm, and the mood will definitely improve, with only one glance at her. ...
  • How to grow a grassy plant for open ground finely divided verbena?

    Florists love verbena finely dissected for picturesque, plentiful flowering, which persists for a long time, does not fade from the sun and turns flower beds into outlandish carpets. This plant has a tetrahedral stem creeping to the ground. You can see thinly sliced ​​verbena most often in drawers and hanging pots on loggias and balconies. ...
  • How to preserve orchid roots during transplantation - is it possible to prune them and what to do to prevent damage?

    Do I need or don't need an orchid transplant? This is always a stress for the plant, even if it is carried out according to plan. An orchid can then begin to hurt and temporarily stop the growth of roots. But there are situations when a transplant is absolutely necessary. What to do in this case, so as not to injure even more affected roots, and where to get aerial roots when transplanting - this is our article. ...
  • Is it worth eating a radish for gout and how to replace it?

    Radish is a vegetable that can be both harmful and very useful to the human body. If there is a radish, then your condition can significantly improve if your body has too much cholesterol. But radish has a number of contraindications, and it should be treated with caution and not overeat. This also applies to people who suffer from gout. ...
  • Rules for the care of yellow begonia: all the nuances of its cultivation at home and in the open ground

    Almost every grower in his collection has at least one kind of begonia. Yellow begonia is no exception. Beautiful flowers adorn not only the windowsills of houses, but also balconies, terraces, flower beds and flower beds. Begonia is one of the favorite flowers of landscape designers, and is universally used by them in their work. ...
  • What is blooming spathiphyllum? Care Features

    Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) refers to perennial evergreens from the aroid family. Unpretentious, moisture-loving plant has more than 40 varieties. Most of which are grown in pots as indoor plants. The stem of spathiphyllum is absent. Leaves grow in a bunch directly from the root and have a lanceolate shape. ...
  • Design project of a stunning wooden house by the lake

    Recently, it has rarely been possible to see design projects of country houses decorated in a pure country style. As a rule, the modern style of the room only includes elements of country style. But there are also occasionally "classic" country houses in which literally all rooms are finished with natural materials. ...
  • Kvareli, Georgia - walk through the sights of the city

    Kvareli (Georgia) is a small town in the east of the country. Its main symbol is the vineyards and the old winery, which even today produce a delicious drink. Due to the fact that the city lies in the Alazani Valley, Kvareli is a great place for those who want to relax from the noisy cities and cars. ...