How to cook mackerel in the oven - 5 step by step recipes

Mackerel traditionally appears on the tables in smoked or salted form, and few know how to cook mackerel in the oven. Baked mackerel is characterized by incredible taste and aromatic properties, especially if cooked with vegetables.

The mackerel from the oven is ideal for the role of a festive dish. The piquant taste along with a soft and juicy structure will shock guests. And not every gourmet will immediately guess that the usual fish is at the heart of the culinary masterpiece.

Calorie-baked mackerel in the oven

Regular consumption of mackerel strengthens the immune system, improves metabolic processes and positively affects the work of the heart. In salt form, it is recommended to use it for diabetics, as it lowers glucose.

Fat is the main component of fish. It helps in the fight against stretch marks and skin defects. All because it creates a collagen network and accelerates regeneration processes.

The calorie content of baked mackerel in the oven per 100 grams is 165 kcal.

Useful Cooking Tips

Consider the tips gathered over many years that will help to prepare juicy and tasty mackerel at home. And if everything is done correctly, even useful qualities will be preserved.

  1. If you buy fresh-frozen fish, opt for a carcass with your head.
  2. Proper defrosting is the key to the juiciness and benefits of baked mackerel. Hold the carcass on the top shelf of the refrigerator for several hours, and end the process at room temperature.
  3. Mackerel is characterized by a specific smell. Marinade made from lemon and spices will help to eliminate it.
  4. After removing the entrails, wash the fish thoroughly. Pay special attention to removing black film from the belly, otherwise it will spoil the taste and give bitterness.
  5. To make the mackerel an adornment of the solemn table, bake with your head.
  6. Do not bake on one foil. Under the influence of high temperature, the skin will stick to the surface of the parchment, which will lead to damage to the appearance. Bake on a thin vegetable pillow.
  7. Mackerel has a lot of fat, so do not overdo it with mayonnaise or fat sauce. Do not forget about the sense of proportion when using vegetable oil.
  8. When baking, be sure to monitor the temperature. If the oven is not equipped with a thermometer, a piece of paper will help in determining the temperature regime. If in 30 seconds the leaf turns yellow, the temperature is not higher than 100 degrees. At a temperature of 170-190 degrees, the leaf will acquire a bright yellow hue, at 210 it will get a caramel color, and at 220-250 smoldering will begin.

Mackerel cooked in the oven with lemon and greens leaves an unforgettable gastronomic experience. And if you complement the treats with spices and vegetables, there will be an occasion for a family banquet.

Cooking fresh mackerel in foil in the oven

The recipes of baked mackerel in the oven in pieces or whole are incredibly popular. Some use onions and lemon, while others are based on vegetable slices. In any case, the preparation of a fragrant and healthy treat does not require much effort, and even a beginner can cope with any of the recipes. The best recipes for mackerel baked in foil are expected below.

Classic recipe in foil

Many housewives prepare fish dishes for the holidays. If salted or smoked mackerel is familiar, oven-baked fish is gaining popularity.

  • Mackerel - 1 pcs.
  • Lemon - 0.25 pcs.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt, pepper, favorite spices.
  1. First, prepare the fish, we will cook the whole. Remove the insides and rinse under running water. Dry with a paper towel, rub with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices.
  2. Fold the double-folded foil on the table. Put the mackerel, pour with vegetable oil, lay on top a few ringlets of lemon and tightly wrap in foil. Make sure there are no gaps or gaps.
  3. Put the prepared dish on a baking sheet and put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour. After time, remove from the oven, open the foil and wait a bit to cool.
Video recipe

Classic mackerel baked at home is incredibly tasty. It perfectly combines vegetable side dishes and a variety of sauces, but rice, which is considered a classic side dish for fish dishes, better reveals the taste.

Delicious mackerel in foil with rice and lemon

Mackerel cooked according to the classic recipe in the oven is suitable for an ordinary dinner. If you are planning a feast, and you want to surprise guests, use the following recipe. Tender fish in combination with a delicious, satisfying and vibrant filling will amaze any gourmet with an appetizing look and amazing aroma.

  • Mackerel - 1 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Zucchini - 0.5 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 60 g.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Laurel - 1 leaf.
  • Fish seasoning - 1 teaspoon.
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 pod.
  • Greens, pepper, salt.
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Paprika - 1 teaspoon.
  1. Rinse the fish carcass with water, dry with a paper towel and make an incision along the back. Separate the ridge, remove the gills, insides and black film.
  2. Pour the inside with lemon juice, sprinkle with fish seasoning, pepper and salt, set aside to pickle.
  3. Zucchini and carrots cut into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the carrots until golden brown, add zucchini, mix and fry for 5 minutes. Then send chopped garlic to the pan, stir, fry for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.
  4. Grind the greens, cut the hot peppers into rings. Boil the rice in salted water and cool. In a large bowl, mix the fried vegetables, rice, paprika, herbs and hot peppers. Stuff the mackerel with the resulting mixture.
  5. Fold the widow's foil on the table, grease it with oil. Put stuffed fish on top, insert a bay leaf in your mouth. Wrap so that the foil covers the carcass, and the filling remains open.
  6. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Twenty minutes later, put tomatoes in rings on top of the filling. Bake for another quarter hour without changing the temperature. Done.

A treat with rice and lemon is a real culinary work. The appearance of the dish on the table will delight guests with the presentation and aromatic qualities. None of them will stand, so as not to taste a piece of goodies.

Stuffed Mackerel in Foil

Now I will share the recipe for stuffed mackerel. Traditionally, culinary specialists stuff the fish, cutting the abdomen. As for me, the dish looks more attractive if the filling is located on top.

Each hostess starts a mackerel to taste. One uses vegetables, another uses cereals, and a third uses citrus fruits. I offer a recipe for using onions and tomatoes. During baking, vegetables turn into gravy, which impregnates the fish.

  • Mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Ground pepper - 2 pinches.
  • Salt - 2 pinches.
  • Greenery.
  1. Prepare the fish. From the head to the second fin on the back, make an incision, remove the dorsal fin. Through the resulting hole, remove the ridge and entrails, scrape off the black film and rinse the carcass thoroughly.
  2. Cut the tomatoes and onions into small cubes. Add a little chopped greens to the vegetable cut. I use dill or parsley. Stuff the resulting mixture with each fish, grate with pepper and salt. Lock the edges of the filling pocket with toothpicks.
  3. Spread the foil on the table and brush with vegetable oil. Wrap the mackerel so that the foil covers the carcass, and the filling remains open.
  4. Place the pan in the oven. Bake at least 25 minutes at 220 degrees. During this time, the mackerel will acquire a golden crust, and the vegetables will be stewed well. The masterpiece is ready.
Video cooking

Stuffed mackerel retains its taste both hot and cold. I think fish treats will definitely find a place on one of your holiday tables.

How to Cook Stuffed Mackerel with Vegetables

The technology for making stuffed mackerel is already known, but I decided to share my favorite recipe. I guarantee that the result will exceed your culinary expectations, and the dish will get an honorable place on the festive table.

  • Large mackerel - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 heads.
  • Hard cheese - 120 g.
  • Fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon.
  • Champignons - 250 g.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 ml.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil, pepper, salt, marjoram.
  1. Rinse the fish, dry with a towel. Above the head, make a cross section 1 cm deep. Perform a similar incision from the side of the tail, retreating 3 centimeters.
  2. Make a longitudinal incision along the back. Through the resulting hole, remove the ridge, entrails, and costal bones. Be sure to remove the dark film to remove the bitterness. Wipe the abdominal cavity with a napkin.
  3. Dice the onions, carrots and cheese through a fine grater, chop peppers and mushrooms in small pieces. Fry onions and carrots in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil for 2 minutes.
  4. Add pepper to the pan, fry for 2 minutes, add mushrooms and sour cream, stir and fry for another 2 minutes. Roast on low heat. At the end, add salt, pepper and marjoram, turn off the heat.
  5. Pour olive oil into a small bowl and squeeze the garlic. Pepper and salt on all sides, grease with olive oil flavored with garlic juice.
  6. Fill the fish with filling, sprinkle with grated cheese. Make a net of mayonnaise on top. If this is not done, the cheese will dry out.
  7. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with foil, grease with vegetable oil, lay out the fish. Place a few small tomatoes around. Bake stuffed mackerel for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.

After time, remove the dish from the oven, decorate with fresh vegetables and herbs, serve. This treat looks very appetizing, and to taste it will repulse even restaurant delights.

Mackerel in the oven in the sleeve without foil

Mackerel baked in a sleeve is considered a successful culinary invention, like salmon and salmon. The fact is that during this heat treatment, the fish is cooked in its own juice, carefully steamed, acquires a juiciness and incredible aroma. And although the meat in mackerel has a specific flavor, the use of spices and spices helps to shade it.

The recipe in the sleeve has another great advantage. After baking, fat accumulates in the sleeve. It is easy to throw away and the pan remains clean. No need to soak and wipe the container.

  • Mackerel - 1 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
  1. Prepare the fish. Cut off the fins and head, open the abdomen and remove the insides. Rinse thoroughly under running water, carefully remove the ridge, and remove small bones with tweezers.
  2. Rub with pepper and salt. Add other spices if desired. Pour in lemon juice. Onion rings are placed on one side of the bed and lemon slices on the second.
  3. Put the halves of the fish together and put in the sleeve. Lock the edges with clips. It remains to send the baking sheet to the oven. At 180 degrees, bake the mackerel in the sleeve for 40 minutes.

If you can’t imagine a full meal without a fish dish, I advise you to try in practice the recipe for baked salmon in the oven. It is no less tasty and healthy than mackerel.

Watch the video: How to make the tastiest oven Grilled MACKEREL fish recipe I How to cook (October 2024).

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