On the orchid there are sticky drops on the leaves - why and what to do about it?

The popularity of orchids among flower growers is due to its exquisite flowering, graceful shape and unusual elegance. In order for the flower to continue to delight the eye and not stop flowering, it is necessary to create suitable conditions of detention and provide quality care for it.

The first signs of disease or pest infection appear with droplets on the leaves - indicators of general condition. What can they talk about and why do sticky drops appear on the leaves and stems of an orchid?

What it is?

Liquid usually comes on the leaves or stems of a plant. This substance is called non-flowering nectar, which is formed as a result of internal sugar processing.

REFERENCE! Sticky fluid in the leaves appears for a number of reasons: from natural self-defense to disease progression.

In more detail about what it is and how to deal with it, we wrote in this article.

Reasons for the appearance

Why and why does a flower give off a sticky liquid? The appearance of a viscous substance on spots is not always associated with a danger to the plant. In some situations, the explanation for this is harmless, but you do not need to leave the phenomenon unattended.


The first sign of infection - sticky droplets appear on the leaves, on the peduncle, on the trunk, why do they occur? The liquid is a waste product of pests.

It is not difficult to notice the insects themselves: when examining the surface of the affected leaf, you can see dozens of small dots - these pests fell into droplets and cannot get out of the sticky mass. In addition to the mealybug, an orchid can be affected by a scabbard and a spider mite.


Abundant, sticky drops are characteristic of a disease such as powdery mildew. It is with this symptom that the progression of the disease begins. The next stage is a change in the color of plaque, the appearance of grayish blotches. The last stage is the appearance of dark spots on the sheet.

Attraction of insects for pollination

This is a natural process, its other name is transpiration. Extraflower nectar attracts “beneficial” insects to control pests (aphids run to this treat, then ants that kill aphids and leaf cutters). Sweet droplets also attract insects for pollination.

Self defense

Harmful insects fall into sticky traps, stick and die. It is also necessary to develop protection against various aggressive environmental influences.

Abundant plant feeding

"Weeping" foliage often appears due to an excess of fertilizer in the soil. If the owner is too careful about the orchid and regularly saturates the soil with fertilizing, sugar accumulates in the ground, which the plant processes. Due to a glut, sugar is released outside to get rid of an overabundance inside.

ATTENTION! In advanced cases, a complete replacement of the substrate is required to solve the problem.

Irregular watering

Sticky spots are a way for a plant to get rid of excess moisture. The problem is also caused by the prolonged lack of water, and then the saturation of the soil with moisture.

When to start worrying?

If sticky drops hold for a long time, grow and change color, measures must be taken. Small holes on the foliage, the appearance of darker areas, a large area with viscous nectar are the first evidence that the plant is in danger. The lack of timely assistance entails the death of peduncles, aerial roots or the complete death of an orchid.

What to do and how to treat?

The first required action when stains are detected is to remove the pot from the windowsill. It is necessary to dry the topsoil and provide the plant with good drainage. It is necessary to find out the root cause of staining on foliage:

  1. Wrong watering. It is necessary to find out the level of soil moisture. If the earth is crumpled or has lost its aeration properties, white mold and an unpleasant smell have appeared on it, it is imperative to transplant the orchid and leave it in quarantine for 2 weeks.
  2. The problem with temperature and lighting. The pot should be removed from direct sunlight, a hygrometer should be installed next to it to control temperature extremes. If the humidity is low, a systematic warm shower is shown, why it is needed, it helps to remove white coating and stickiness (for more details on why white coating and sticky drops appear, read here).
  3. Pest infection. Quarantine (separation of the affected plant from healthy ones) is required. Destroying parasites will help treat the leaves with household soap, a bactericidal or fungicidal preparation, which must be applied 2-3 times to sticky areas. To get rid of pests, you can take Calypso, Aktara, Mospilan.
REFERENCE! In the cold season, the number of waterings should be reduced if the lower leaves of the plant are sticky. To prevent problems, you need to regularly spray the leaves with a solution of water and 2-3 drops of an antifungal agent (Ferazim, Derozal, Akarin).

Sticky drops on an orchid can be a sign of self-defense or a dangerous infection with parasites. To accurately determine the cause, you need to normalize the care of the flower and carefully examine the surface of the sheet. If you find darker areas or small holes, you must immediately save the orchid.

You can find out what to do if sticky drops appear on the leaves of the orchid here.


A video about why sticky drops may appear on orchid leaves and how to solve this problem.

Watch the video: Q&A - What are these sticky water drops on my Orchid leaves? (October 2024).

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