All about Manhattan Orchid: description, history, features of growing, photo

From ancient times, the orchid was considered a greenhouse, an exotic miracle, since only a small part could have such a treasure in their home. Now orchid is the simplest and most common indoor plant. Hybrids with various properties began to appear on store shelves.

Today, there are about 35 thousand species, and this is no less than about 10 percent of all plants on Earth. Orchids vary in shape and lifestyle. There are in the form of shrubs and herbaceous plants, vines, as well as lithophytes and epiphytes. In the article you will find a description of this type of orchid and its photo.

Brief definition

Orchids are one of the largest plant families., whose representatives are located on all continents, including almost all climatic zones, except Antarctica.


It is best to plant a Manhattan orchid in a room environment, as they are very picky and unpretentious in care. In height, they reach about 50 centimeters, have two trunks, in diameter the flower reaches 12 centimeters, and in size from 6 centimeters to 7 centimeters.

History of occurrence

REFERENCE! The first representative of this genus was found on the island of Ambon (Moluccas) by the German traveler and naturalist Georg Rumf (1627-1702).

In 1752, the Swedish pastor Peter Osbek found another plant on a small island adjacent to the Ternate island and sent a herbarium to Karl Linnaeus, who described it in his famous work “Plant Species”.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

Orchid Manhattan has its differences from other varieties:

  1. Features lies in the root system.
  2. It has no subsorts.


And so this variety looks in the photo.

When and how does it bloom?

At a fairly good temperature, Manhattan orchid can bloom for about six months. It should be sprayed with warm water, this will help prolong the flowering of orchids. With optimal warmth, a little diffused light and humidity, the orchid continues to bloom, and creates more and more beautiful buds.

When the orchid fades, then they do not need to be cut at all. The Manhattan orchid itself will decide whether or not to bloom from the same peduncle. Only in case of complete drying of the plant can the peduncle be cut.


After the flower falls, the plant should continue to care. In general, this care is no different from care during flowering and before flowering.

Manhattan Orchid Should Not Be Short of Water. In addition to this, it must be periodically sprayed. After flowering, you need to reduce feeding for a while, as it should rest a bit.

ATTENTION! You should examine the roots, as the plant may need a transplant and it is best to do this after flowering.

What to do if it does not blossom?

Sometimes the peduncle stays green. To achieve the flowering of the Manhattan orchid, you should trim the top slingshot to the first one from the top of the bud or remove the entire flower stalk, even the one that has remained green. With the latter option, you do not need to throw out the peduncle, but you should put it in a glass of water, as sometimes a baby appears.

Seat selection

The most favorable places for the Manhattan orchid are window sills., whose windows face the south or west side with shading.

General care rules

Soil and pot preparation

It happens that in autumn and winter the humidity in the apartment can be lowered, it is necessary to add moss - sphagnum, only when the heating of the house is turned on. You need to put pieces of the middle fraction bark on the bottom of the pot. Before transplanting the plant, it is necessary to wash the bark well, and then soak for two days so that the bark is saturated with moisture.

Dry bark quickly passes water. After the bark has stood in water for two days, wash it in clean water. Then you need to add chopped moss there, then you need to mix.


A favorable temperature will be a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. In the winter season, the temperature should be observed no higher than 20 degrees Celsius.


The optimum humidity for normal growth and development will be humidity from 30 to 40 percent.

IMPORTANT! Excessive moisture, without ventilation, can lead to small spots on the leaves of the Manhattan orchid, and also lead to rotting of the roots.

For a long time, at low humidity, and this is somewhere in the region of 20-25 percent of humidity, it can lead to the loss of turgor leaves and even falling flowers. In order to increase the humidity in the apartment, it is necessary to move the plant to a pallet with water.


Light is one of the main sources of life., both for orchids and other plants. Since the orchid is a tropical plant, there the sun always shines the same and evenly.

Our climate is completely different, in the winter season - the sun shines very weakly and does not warm, the day does not last long, and low temperature does negatively affect the growth and development of the plant. As a result of this, our local flora discards leaflets and blooms again in spring. A Manhattan orchid can behave just like our plants. In winter, it is necessary to provide the orchid with additional artificial lighting, or the plant will have to retire.


Watering should be plentiful, as the top layer of the substrate dries, overmoistening can lead to its death. Water for irrigation should be warm and soft. The lower the illumination and temperature of the flower, the less it needs watering, it is better to dry the orchid than to fill it.

Top dressing

Ideal to start fertilizing Manhattan orchids after the first day of flowering. It happens that after fertilizing the orchids begin to fade flowers. This is due to the fact that at the beginning the plant gets used to a new place and experiences stress.

The orchid bought in the store should be fertilized only after flowering. If the orchid blooms for a long time, then you need to feed already during flowering. If you use complex fertilizer for indoor plants, you need to greatly reduce the dose of fertilizer, you must make 25 percent of the fertilizer from the dosage indicated on the label.


There is no need to transplant Manhattan orchids too oftenwill be sufficient once every three years.

How to transplant this orchid, you can find out by watching the video:


Many gardeners propagate orchids with the help of children, without exerting any effort and without stimulating the hormones of the kidneys.

REFERENCE! For a Manhattan orchid, reproduction using rhizomes is unacceptable. In nature, this type of orchid is propagated by seeds, and after flowering, the appearance of new, young shoots.

The dried outlet of an adult orchid needs to be divided into two halves and cut off a part with one or two roots. The "stump" that remains must be kept until new baby buds appear, which are then carefully cut off from the mother plant. If the plant is healthy, then vegetative propagation can be carried out. All operations should be carried out with sterile instruments.

Diseases and Pests

On the Manhattan Orchid, the following pests are found:

  1. Scaffolds.
  2. Aphid.
  3. Mealybugs.
  4. Spider mite.
  5. Thrips.
  6. Fools (nails).
  7. Nematodes.
  8. Woodlice.

Prevention of various problems

To prevent a wide variety of pests and diseases from disturbing the Manhattan orchid, proper care must be taken.

There are many interesting facts about orchids, for example:

  • An orchid was found, the leaves of which reached 90 centimeters.
  • Psychologists believe that orchids heal people from depression.
  • They do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Confucius at one time called them "kings of fragrant flowers."

Watch the video: Video of a Rooftop Glass Penthouse Apartment. Manchester, New Hampshire (October 2024).

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