Tips for transplanting azalea at home

Azalea is certainly a very beautiful and attractive flower, but not easy. He likes to be a little tricky if something doesn’t suit him at least a little.

Therefore, you need to take care of Azalea very seriously, take into account all its needs and features.

After all, the end result is worth the effort and put your soul into creating comfortable living conditions for room Azalea.

What is transplantation?

Absolutely every plant periodically needs a transplant, that is, moving it to a new, larger pot and a fresh substrate suitable for a particular plant. Transplants are different, depending on the situation - planned and emergency.

  1. Scheduled transplant - it becomes necessary if the plant has stopped growing, has stopped flowering or the pot has become small and the roots begin to be visible through an opening in the bottom.

    Usually they are engaged in it in the spring, and in the case of flowering plants in the winter (like Azalea), then at the end of flowering.

  2. Emergency transplant - usually produced spontaneously in case of soil acidification after overflow or detection of pests in the root system. In this case, you need to transplant urgently, regardless of the season and flowering, otherwise you can be late with the rescue of the flower.

There is one more separation of transfers according to the method of their implementation:

  1. Transfer - moving the plant into a new pot with possible pruning of the roots and removal of part of the soil, with a clear violation of the earthen coma.
  2. Transshipment - when a plant is transplanted without disturbing an earthen coma, the roots are completely not exposed to any effect, this can be said to be a sparing transplant.

When can I do this?

For indoor plants transplantation is necessary when the pot becomes cramped or the soil is completely depleted. This is immediately noticeable by the state of the plant:

  • he immediately begins to fade leaves;
  • growth of flower stalks is stopped;
  • the soil does not retain moisture, almost immediately becomes dry;
  • earthen lump completely entwined with roots.
IMPORTANT! Transplantation of young Azalea plants is done every year, and adults - every 3 years.

You can find out more about when it is better to transplant azaleas and how to do it here, and about whether an azalea transplant is necessary after purchase, you can find in this material.

Differences for indoor and outdoor plants

Naturally, there are some differences in the transplantation of the garden variety and room, they also grow in different conditions.

  1. When a seedling of garden Azalea is removed from the purchased container, the soil from the roots should never be shaken off, and in the case of room Azalea, part of the old soil is removed.
  2. After planting street Azalea, it is necessary to make a near-trunk circle; when planting a home plant, the soil on top is even.
  3. For garden Azalea, a layer of mulch on top of pine needles or wood chips is required, with room content this is not necessary.

How to transplant: step by step instructions

Inventory preparation

For an azalea transplant, we need:

  • new pot (2 - 3 cm larger than the previous one);
  • gloves
  • sharp knife;
  • scoop;
  • watering can.

All metal objects must be disinfected - wipe with alcohol or calcine over a burning burner.

The soil

Strictly special is required, you can buy a ready-made composition "For Azaleas" or independently make the desired substrate. It should include:

  • peat;
  • turf land;
  • leaf humus;
  • sand;
  • crushed and steamed bark;
  • charcoal;
  • perlite (or vermiculitis).

As a result of thorough mixing, a very loose light but nutritious substrate should be obtainedPerfect for azaleas.

Extract from the pot and place in a Kornevin solution

Getting to the very process of transplantation:

  1. First we water.
  2. After about 15 minutes, carefully using a scoop, we extract our plant from the old pot and carefully examine the root system. If any damage is found, we cut off these parts.
  3. Carefully cut the roots from the bottom by about 1 cm and from the sides similarly.
  4. Immerse Azalea in a suitable container of water, where Kornevin is added. This must be done before you start mixing the substrate, during which time the roots will have time to feed themselves in water and Kornevin will be able to show his stimulating effect.

Placing a plant in a new substrate

  1. We take a new pot, pour drainage with a layer of about 3 cm, then put a little pine bark, a little new substrate.
  2. We put the Azalea bush in the pot right in the center (after pressing the root system slightly).
  3. Then gradually pour the substrate, while it needs to be tamped a little, try not to deepen the root neck from above, this is important!
  4. Now we water with the very solution (with Kornevin) in which the Azalea was soaked.
  5. At the end of all procedures, the flower must be sprayed with warm water, preferably with the addition of Epin.
REFERENCE! If the Azalea bush is very large, then it can just be propagated, divided into 2 or 3 separate plants. This is the most successful moment, everything is done simply - the root system is cut into necessary parts with a knife and the green parts of the bush are carefully separated.


Here you can see what the transplanted flower looks like.


In the process of transplanting Azaleas, sometimes hidden problems are discovered: roots can be damaged by mold or saline. In such cases, it is better to simply transfer the plant by removing previously damaged places.

ATTENTION! Of course, it is impossible to transplant blooming Azalea, unless it is a question of saving the plant. In this case, you need to gently cut off all the flowers and buds from the bush, and then transplant (by means of transshipment).

You should also not disturb this flower while it is at rest, it is better to wait until the active phase of growth begins.

How to care for a flower in the future?

After the end of this procedure a pot with transplanted Azalea needs to be put in a lighted placebut not in direct sunlight. Also, the flower should be protected from harmful neighborhood with hot appliances. Best of all, let this place be the windowsill of the east or west window.

For several days, do not water the plant - about 4 days, then the irrigation regime is slowly being restored. Adaptation of a transplanted plant usually occurs within a month. It is very important at this time to prevent any adverse effects on the flower, such as drafts, dry air or bright sunlight.

You also need to remember that a transplanted plant can not be fertilized for 2 months, so as not to damage (not burn) the roots. But spraying can not be skipped, they will benefit, only the water must be well-maintained, not hard.

Useful video

Watch the azalea transplant video.


Floriculture is very interesting, in addition, it is a very useful hobby. If every morning we will see beautiful Azalea flowers on our window, admire them and, possibly, breathe in a delicate aroma - this is the right beginning of the day. After all, each of us wants to start our day with a positive, no matter how he puts it, but not everyone is able to make at least some effort for this. And the love of flowers inspires and promotes movement forward.

Watch the video: Planting, Moving an Azalea Bush, Garden Makeover (October 2024).

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