Description and photos of exotic beauty Hoya Lobby

Everyone has long known and loved the beautiful unpretentious plant of Hoya.

From History: Got its name in honor of collector Thomas Lobb. He found her in the Karia mountains in eastern India on Nowgong at an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. This mountainous terrain begins in northeast India and runs along the border of Myanmar (Burma). Later, the plant was found in Thailand on Chantaburi and Chumphon, which indicates a relatively wide distribution area.

In the article you will learn about the rules for caring for one of its varieties - Hoya Lobby. Get to know plant diseases and how to treat them.

Appearance and photo of hoya Lobbii

Homeland plants India, Thailand, Burma.

It has curly shoots that reach a length of up to 1 meter, and their diameter is 0.4 centimeters. Leaves mostly grow in pairs, but sometimes four leaves may appear from one node. They have short petioles because of this, they always develop close to the stem. They have a dark green color with small individual specks. Their length is 8-11 cm and a width of 2-3 cm.

Flowering resembles an umbrella in which 15-20 flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm. Petals are omitted. The inside of the flower is bright red and white in the center. Have a sweetish aroma.

Such an umbrella lasts for 10 days.

Growing methods

Grow a plant:

  • seeds;
  • a sheet;
  • cuttings.


After flowering, seeds are formed in the pods, which are used for sowing. Before this, they must be dried. Only fresh seeds are selected. A special soil is prepared for sowing. In such a soil and sow seeds. They sprout very quickly.

However, part of the sprouts may die from drying out of the soil or due to excess moisture. Therefore, you need to strictly control watering. Besides it is necessary to provide the sprouts with good light and heat. They are in this state for about 3 months until leaflets and good roots appear. Only after this, the plant can be transplanted into a separate container.


This method has drawbacks - it is a long and complex process. A leaf can take root almost immediatelybut for a long time will not sprout. If you adhere to certain rules, then you can grow a flower in this way.

  1. For such a cultivation, it is necessary to take the leaves of a plant that grows in nature. Such leaves have more power.
  2. The leaf needs to be planted in loose soil at an angle of 45about. Watch him for several weeks and only then will the roots appear.
  3. Further stimulate the production of growth cells. This can be done with the help of special drugs, such as heteroauxin. One drop of the drug must be applied to the base of the sheet.


This is the easiest way to grow.
In order for the stem to be well rooted, it is necessary to pay attention to its size and age. For home cultivation, cuttings with two nodes are chosen. Also, for rooting, it is optimal to take mature, but not yet lignified cuttings.

Before planting, cuttings need to be cut properly, namely, to make a cut under the node. If the trunk is long, then leave a couple of centimeters under the knot and cut the rest.

Next, root the stalk in water. To do this, prepare a dark container in advance so that the light does not fall on the water, and fill the container with water. After removing the leaves from the second node of the handle, put it in water. We put the container in a warm, humid place with a temperature of no higher than 22about. And after 14 days the stalk will give roots. After this happens, the plant must be immediately planted in the ground.

Care Rules

  • Shine. The flower loves bright lighting and easily tolerates direct sunlight, but do not abuse it - the plant may get burned. Therefore, shading is necessary. Best grown on the west and east side. Create diffuse lighting at noon. In winter, the plant should also be kept in good light, so shading is not necessary.
  • Temperature. The best temperature for the plant is +22 - +25about. Winter temperature should not fall below +16about. At the same time, it is worth remembering that Hoya Lobby does not like stagnation of air, and that means the room needs to be aired.
  • Watering. It requires plentiful watering from March to October. For irrigation use soft defended water. Hard water must be softened with potassium permanganate. Water as the topsoil dries. Autumn watering is reduced. Watering is worth a couple of days after the drying of the substrate. Water with warm water. Also, to improve the growth of the plant, a bath is arranged twice a year. To do this, it is placed in water heated to 30-40about.
  • Top dressing. Spend them in the spring and summer. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants. Apply once every two to three weeks.
  • Pruning. Spend only after flowering. To form a beautiful plant. Trim need long shoots, and leave small ones for further flowering.
  • Pot. You also need to pay attention to choosing a pot for a plant. To make it bloom well and for a long time, choose small pots so that the roots completely fill the space.
It grows well in pots of all materials. But it is worth remembering that in a plastic pot, moisture evaporates faster and you need to water more often.

But in clay, on the contrary, it lasts longer. Therefore, you need to clearly control the watering of the plant. An excellent option are clay pots with ceramic chips. They do not allow moisture to stagnate and evaporate quickly. It also grows well in bamboo hanging containers.

Plant diseases

They can occur due to improper care, for example, dark spots on the leaves, yellowing and wilting of the leaves. To solve these problems, it is worth revising the content of the flower and correct errors in care.

it the plant is susceptible to infection by pests such as spider mites, scale insects and aphids.

Insecticides are used to remove pests. You can also wash the plant yourself with soapy water or rinse with running water.

Follow the rules for caring for the Hoya Lobby, pay enough attention to it and it will delight you with beautiful flowering.

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