Fragrant rose Paul Bocuse. Description of the flower and photo, especially the care and growing

The oldest of the flowers cultivated by man, roses at all times have been a symbol of beauty and grace, not without reason they are so popular among gardeners. With proper care, these beautiful plants with huge double flowers and enchanting aroma will be the best decoration of your garden.

Let's take a closer look at the rules of care and methods of propagation of a semi-climbing rose, which will become an adornment of any rosary.

Detailed description

Rosa Paul Baucuse belongs to the group of scrubs, i.e. shrubs, semi-climbing roses, and is a large bush with glossy, thick dark green hue leaves. Despite the fact that it can reach a height of 150-180 cm, the bush keeps its shape well, its shoots do not creep, but confidently tend up. An interesting conical shape of the buds turns into a rose-shaped bowl shape. It blooms with thick double flowers, with a warm orange middle, turning on the edges into a pale pink color.

Attention! Gardeners note that the peach hue depends on the weather in which the rose grows - the cooler, the more pronounced it is.

Paul Baucus has a strong fruity aroma in which notes of melon, cherry and green tea are guessed. Like all scrubs, Paul Bockus tolerates frosts well, is not susceptible to fungal infections, and its matte foliage is resistant to powdery mildew and black spotting. Rain hardly spoils buds and flowers. But this bush requires careful maintenance, and is sensitive to soil - it does not tolerate acidic, dense, infertile soils.


Below you will see a photo of this flower:

History of selection and origin of the name

Rose Paul Baucuse was created by the famous French breeder Dominic Mossad in 1992 in Guillot. The area of ​​Mossad's scientific research is magnificent old-fashioned roses, and this is the popular scrub in Europe, named after the famous French chef. Culinary and floriculture - both of these areas, according to the French, relate to art, which one cannot but agree with.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

High resistance to frost, unpretentiousness in leaving and fruit aroma with several notes reminding the most refined perfumes - these are distinctive features of this look.


When and how does it happen?

Rosa Paul Baucus has a repeated type of flowering, that is, at least twice a season you will enjoy the view of a flowering bush. Usually on the shoot there are up to three large flowers. The second wave of flowering may be slightly weaker than the first, but this can well be corrected with correctly selected fertilizers.

What if there are no buds?

Let's see why the rose may not bloom:

  • The bushes of the first year of planting may not bloom, it all depends on the condition of the seedling and on your actions in the process of planting and care. Moreover, some experienced gardeners recommend not letting young plants bloom so that they better take root in a new place.
  • Unsuitable soil. Varieties of Paul Baucuse need good soil, which requires some preparation. It must certainly be slightly acidic, very airy and fertile.
  • Incorrect pruning. Scrubs are very sensitive to pruning. It should be minimal, especially in spring. But dry flowers and shoots should be removed immediately.
  • Careless weeding. Weeds take water and nutrients from the soil. Therefore, do not forget to weed your roses about once a week.
  • Wrong watering. Roses are sensitive to lack and excess of moisture.
Important! All the problems associated with flowering are solved, but it is best to use the recommendations for planting, fertilizer and care before buying roses Paul Bockus.

Care before and after flowering

When the rose has already bloomed, it is not necessary to fertilize, but to form large, strong buds, fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium must be used.

Use in landscape design

This variety, in the case of a single planting or tapeworm, perfectly shade a strip of lawn grass. In flower gardens, Paul Baucus combines well with ground cover annuals. - for example, with an alissum of white or blue.

Very impressive look curbs or groups of five bushes. No wonder roses shrubs are called roses-fountains, correctly pruning them, you can get real balls from roses. They are also often used to create hedges.

Step-by-step care instructions

Choosing a landing place

Like any rose, Paul Baucus needs the maximum amount of light that only you can give him, so he can not be planted in shaded places.

What should be the soil?

Rose is very sensitive to soil conditions. The soil must be fertile and airy. The degree of acidity is neutral or slightly acidic, which corresponds to an indicator of 5.6-7.3 pH.

Acidity can be adjusted using fertilizers containing calcium and magnesium:

  • ground limestone;
  • slaked lime;
  • chalk;
  • wood ash.


The best time for planting is mid-May, the main thing is that the earth is sufficiently heated.


There are two ways to plant roses - seedlings, and grow them yourself from seeds. The second method is not recommended for scrubs, since their seeds have low germination, and most likely your efforts will be wasted. Planting seedlings in the case of scrubs is the best option.

  1. Before planting, the roots of the plant need to be immersed in water for 5-6 hours.
  2. We trim the seedling. As a result, 2-3 shoots with 3-5 well-developed buds should remain.
  3. We dig a trench about 50/50 cm in size, while it is important that the roots fit freely in it. Since Paul Baucus belongs to large bushes, do not forget to leave him 1.5-2 meters for free growth.
  4. At the bottom we fill up the drainage, then the prepared soil, fill with 2 liters of water and let it soak.
  5. We place a seedling in the middle so that the place of vaccination is 5-6 cm below the soil. We fall asleep, condense and spud with dry soil or mulch to a height of 10-15 cm.
Reference. When choosing a seedling, pay attention to the root system - it should be well developed, the bark should be green, with no signs of illness.


The appearance of scrubs was specially bred so that roses, these delicate southern flowers felt good in our harsh climate. For the rose Paul Baucus, the recommended climatic zone is the fifth, which means that the bush tolerates frosts down to -28 degrees. And according to Dominic Massad himself, winter-hardy varieties of roses are usually both resistant to heat.


Watering the bushes is preferable in the evening. Young shoots are watered every 2-3 days, 3-4 liters per bush, a mature plant is enough to water once a week, but already 10 liters per bush. Frequent watering in small doses can harm the plant. At temperatures above 25 degrees, it is advisable to add spraying to regular watering.

Top dressing

Regular top dressing is required for plants starting from the second season:

  • Early spring - an aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate, at the rate of 20 grams per 10 liters.
  • After 2 weeks - organic matter, just not fresh manure that can burn the roots.
  • In the formation of buds - a solution of calcium nitrate, at the rate of 1 tbsp. l for 10 liters
  • After a week, foliar top dressing is useful: solutions of double superphosphate or potassium nitrate.
  • Before flowering with a solution of potassium humate.
  • After flowering with mineral complexes with an increased content of potassium and phosphorus (1 tbsp. L / 10 l).
  • In early August, an organic solution, after 2 weeks with potassium-phosphorus complexes, and after another week with potassium sulfate. It is also necessary to completely stop the introduction of nitrogen.
  • In September, kalimagnesia.


Weekly thorough weeding is recommended.


Gentle pruning is applied to the scrubs, which is preferably carried out in the spring. Cardinal and medium pruning is harmful to the bushes, as it can significantly weaken the plant, which will throw all its strength into restoring the volume. It is enough to remove the damaged branches and shoots directed inside the bush and cut off last year's inflorescences. To stimulate flowering, it is important to remove wilted flowers and dried branches daily. For forming pruning, just remove уб of the height.

Moving to another place

It is best to transplant a rose in early spring or late fallafter flowering. The bush is trimmed to 6-8 buds and transplanted, observing the conditions, as when planting young seedlings.

Preparation for winter

Shelter for the winter occurs after pruning. Shoots bind and bend to the ground, making sure that the branches do not touch the soil, otherwise the stems can rot. Since the roses of Paul Baucuse are frost-resistant, they can be covered easily, high enough to cover with earth, cover and sprinkle with soil for fixation.

Step-by-step instructions on how to propagate

The easiest way to propagate roses is to cuttings:

  1. Harvesting - when the buds are formed, cut off the shoot and make from the central part of the stalk, 5-8 cm long with 2-3 leaves. The lower edge should be under the kidney itself, and the upper one centimeter above the kidney.
  2. Before planting for a day, put the stalk in the root stimulator. For example, in water with a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Plant in a box or soil, deepening by 2-3 cm, be sure to add the substrate of river sand and cover with a glass jar.
  4. After planting, maintain high humidity by spraying.

Diseases and Pests

  • For preventive protection against infections, in early spring you can douse the bushes with 3% solution of copper sulfate, and in the fall - 1% solution of iron sulfate.
  • From green aphids, a solution of laundry soap, wormwood and water is effective.
  • The best way to fight diseases (powdery mildew, rust, black spotting) and pests (aphids, leafworms) would be to use chemicals - fungicides and insecticides.

Roses Paul Bockus are unpretentious, they can be recommended even to not experienced gardeners. If you follow simple recommendations, this bush will delight you with its beautiful flowers for a long time with a wonderful aroma.

Watch the video: (October 2024).

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