Description, description, advantages and disadvantages of Diego radish varieties. How to grow from seed?

Even before the advent of potatoes, Europeans knew well and loved radishes for the simplicity of cultivation, the peculiar taste and useful properties. Today in the world there are a huge number of varieties of this vegetable.

According to gardeners, the Diego hybrid radish is one of the truly best types of this root crop. In less than ten years of its existence, he has gained a huge number of admirers in many countries of the world.

Detailed description and description of the variety

Root crops of a hybrid grade Diego F1 round, dense, with a white cropped nose, reach a diameter of 5 cm and weigh from 45 to 70 g, the taste is juicy, crispy, without bitterness, with a thin skin and white flesh. The color scheme varies from dark pink to almost burgundy. The fruit tolerates mechanical washing, without changing color under water. The tops are powerful, dark green, 12-15 cm high, ideal for bundling.

Although Diego is suitable for year-round breeding, it is more valuable for its early maturity and high yielding capacity. This hybrid is sown in late March - early April, already at a temperature of 3-4 degrees, cold-resistant seeds will be able to germinate, but they will be especially comfortable with a temperature regime of 16-17 degrees.

Radish Diego is generous with the harvest, about 45 tons of the finished product can be harvested from an area of ​​1 ha, that is, 4.5 kg of red vegetable will fall per 1 square meter of the garden plot.

Thanks to the above qualities this variety can be sown both in open ground and in the greenhouse.

Attention! Growing unpretentious radish Diego is not difficult. However, this species is very picky about light and scrupulous in terms of soil composition.

Dutch Diego is a hybrid product, in other words, this radish is resistant to various types of diseases, such as:

  • bloom;
  • downy mildew;
  • root rot;
  • rhizoctoniosis.

It will be possible to use early ripening radish Diego in 20-30 days, this is enough to fully ripen the fetus. And if you wish, you can sow it again at intervals of several weeks in order to harvest throughout the summer.

For sowing, fertile, loose, phosphorus-rich soils are optimal; do not expect a large crop if the soil is heavy and poor.

Large, dense root crops are obtained by planting seedlings in neutral peat cups.

We offer you to see a photo of Diego F1 radish:

Breeding History

The Russian selection register contains about two hundred varieties of radish, 34 of them are hybrids, the main agricultural companies engaged in breeding are located abroad.

The leader in sowing areas in open ground is the Dutch hybrid Diego, he appeared on the seed market in 2010.

As a variety for year-round cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses, it was entered in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2011. Recommended for all areas of our country.

What is the difference from other types of radishes?

Creating a new radish variety, breeders tried to make it favorably with all existing ones, therefore Diego radish has clear benefits:

  • lack of bitterness;
  • precocity;
  • vitality, resistance to common diseases;
  • versatility, the ability to bear fruit year-round in open and closed ground;
  • excellent product quality;
  • long-term storage;
  • excellent transportability.

Advantages and disadvantages

This vegetable has significantly more pros than cons, we will consider in order.

Strong qualities:

  • undemanding to care, even a novice gardener can grow;
  • resistant to cold;
  • rapid growth and maturation;
  • can bring crops all year in the open ground and in the greenhouse;
  • high yields;
  • immunity to underlying diseases and pathologies;
  • the root crop does not crack; the core is without voids and water rings;
  • stored for a long time without changing the presentation and taste;
  • adapts to adverse climatic conditions.


  • special exactingness to illumination and soil composition;
  • maintaining water balance;
  • high cost of seeds.

Why and where is it used?

In the spring, the human body especially needs vitamins and minerals, radish Diego F1, being a storehouse of nutrients (contains a large amount of antioxidants and folic acid), it easily fills this gap. The first vegetable on the spring table is radish. Salads, vegetable slices, and in hot summers cold soups, okroshka - indispensable and beloved by many dishes. Wherein use not only the fruit itself, but also the tops, it is added to salads and first courses.

Due to the fact that Diego radish can be stored for a long time, it is possible to see it on the menu even in winter, for example, baked on a New Year's table or as a canned spicy-acid snack.


In open ground, seeds can be planted already at a soil temperature of +3, +4 degrees. In greenhouses, sowing is performed year-round. The soil is prepared in advance, it must be loose and rich in trace elements. Fertilize with humus and compost. Wood ash and slaked lime are added to acidic soil.

Plot for sowing choose dry and sunnyif the root crop grows in spring or autumn. Small shading is beneficial for summer sowing. To do this, plant radishes next to tomatoes, cucumbers or legumes, with their foliage, the plants will shelter the vegetable from scorching sunlight.

Regular watering and weeding are the main care for Diego's radish variety.

Important! When watering, a direct pressure from the hose is dangerous, a powerful jet can destroy the plant, preferably using a sprayer.

After 20-30 days, the first radish harvest will be ready and it can be immediately used or collected for storage. For convenience, radishes are bundled, stored in a cool place., preferably in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than +2 degrees. Pre-cut the tops, and the radish itself is washed and dried. Under such conditions, this vegetable can be stored for up to 6 months.

Diseases and Pests

With all the efforts of breeders, it is impossible to completely protect the plant from diseases and pests, but the Diego variety is resistant to most ailments and infections.

  1. It is appropriate to mention rot, it is possible with a constant accumulation of moisture in the soil (there will be no harvest in a puddle and swamp).
  2. The cruciferous flea can destroy all young shoots, it is active in case of long heat and drought. To combat the parasite, use 1 teaspoon per 1 square meter of ash, dry mustard or ground pepper, sprinkle them between rows before loosening and cover with a film. To prevent the first symptoms, water the seedlings with onion husk infusion.

Prevention of various problems

Even experienced gardeners have setbacks to avoid this, some troubles need to be neutralized in advance.

  • Underdevelopment of the root crop is caused by several factors:

    1. Rapid growth of tops due to hot weather and poor watering.
    2. Density of planting, late thinning.
  • To avoid the bitter aftertaste of radishes, plentiful watering and timely harvesting are recommended, if you do not remove the radish on time, it will begin to crack and become bitter.
  • A solid, woody root crop grows in extreme heat (direct sunlight should be no more than 10 hours a day) and poor watering.

Similar varieties

  1. Sora. The variety is similar to Diego F1 in its dimensions, up to 5 cm in diameter, it is also early and early.
  2. Double. Like Diego, it is cold-resistant, early and the shape of the fruit is round.
  3. Heat. The root crop of the variety is similar to Diego in shape and slightly inferior in weight.
  4. Champion. Universal, like Diego, can grow in open ground and in a greenhouse, just as good for early crops.
  5. Parat. Diego's main competitor in form and content is inferior in weight.
The Diego radish variety in a short time has established itself from the best side due to its excellent taste, excellent presentation, excellent storage capabilities and shelf life, as well as its unpretentious care and special resistance to pests and bacteria.

Gardeners and summer residents every year give more and more preferences to this particular species, which makes Diego one of the most popular varieties of radish in our country.

Watch the video: Питание после тренировки. Питание перед тренировкой (October 2024).

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