Dates of sowing Margelan radish in different regions. When to plant at home, in open ground and in a greenhouse?

Margelan radish belongs to the cabbage family, people call this root crop a Chinese radish, it also has a second name - "Forehead".

This variety is grown throughout Asia. This vegetable has a high juiciness and not very pronounced sharpness.

Margelan radish weighs about 450 grams, has a round, oval or oblong shape.

The importance of timely planting Chinese Lobo vegetable

All varieties of Margelan radish unpretentious crops. They can grow in any type of soil, temperature and lighting, but you should pay attention to the timing of sowing seeds. Two crops can be grown per season. At the end of spring, the first sowing is carried out, in the second summer in the middle of summer.

It is important to sow root crops in time so that the growth and development of the plant does not occur on the longest daylight hours. Since with such a duration even a greener radish will not be able to form a root crop, but will only begin to bloom violently.

Only with timely planting, the Loba radish will yield twice a season, of good quality and quantity. If the radish is planted at the wrong time, then it will blossom and will not bear fruit.

What determines the sowing time?

Sowing time mainly depends on the type of vegetable:

  • early small-fruited varieties have a ripening period of 40-50 days;
  • early (summer) - 50-65 days;
  • late (autumn, winter, black) - 90-110 days.

It is worth paying attention to the climate and weather of the region. The normal temperature for seed germination is + 20-25 degrees, but planting is allowed at + 15-20.

The difference in the timing of planting a house, in a greenhouse and open ground

Radish tolerates cold well, its seeds germinate easily at a temperature of + 3-5 degrees, seedlings are able to tolerate even temporary night frosts. Therefore, the answer to the question "when to plant radish in open ground" is unequivocal: as soon as the snow melts and the soil warms up to the above temperature.

  • When planting radish in the seedling method, the seeds are sown a month before planting, this method is used to obtain an early crop, after which they are sown in open ground.
  • In a seedlingless way, the root crop is grown under a film coating.

In greenhouse cultivation of radish has its own characteristics:

  • in a simple greenhouse, the vegetable is planted in the winter, from December to February;
  • in a heated greenhouse radish can be planted year-round.

After sowing, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of at least 18 degrees, but as soon as the seedlings begin to appear, you need to start ventilating the greenhouse in order to reduce the temperature to 7-9 degrees for a while. This will provoke root growth. After 7-8 days, set a constant temperature regime:

  • in the afternoon - 18-18 degrees;
  • at night - 10-12.

The soil in the greenhouse changes rarely and, accordingly, is depleted, so once a week feed the earth with mineral fertilizers.

Margelan radish is quite possible to grow at home. To do this, you need to have a deep container, preferably deeper than 20 cm and maintain the temperature regime. Growing Chinese radish at home is not profitable! From the foregoing, we conclude that it is most productive to grow Forehead in open ground.

When to sow seeds in the Urals, in the Moscow region, in Siberia?

Radish Loba tolerates a different climate, it takes root well both in the north and in the south. She has no serious requirements for land composition and care.

  • In the Urals Chinese radish is recommended to be planted in early May, by mid-June, the harvest will be ready. Not very good indicators of Loba radish were noticed when the root crop was planted several years in a row at the same place. It is still undesirable to plant a radish where oilseeds had grown before.
  • For central Russia Lob's radish is also planted in early May. But, in conditions of temperate-continental climate, the weather is different every year, so wet and cool summers do not always help the root crop to ripen, and drought and heat only make the plant bloom, but at the same time not bear fruit.
  • In outskirts of Moscow, be prepared for the fact that you have to make maximum efforts, invest much more labor and time. You need to adhere to the timing of sowing: either in the early spring, or in the first half of August.

    Always apply water and fertilizer in moderation. Excess manure affects the taste of the vegetable, and excess moisture affects the shelf life of the crop. Sprinkle ash over the surface of the bed, this will save you from slugs.

  • In the north They recommend planting a radish a little earlier, so the vegetables will have time to ripen before the autumn cold weather, and this is extremely important. Given the climate of Siberia, radish is planted in the ground until mid-May. If you take proper care, the crop can ripen in July - August. Winter varieties need to be planted in the second half of June, the ripening of such a crop lasts no more than 3 months.

Now we know how, where and when to grow Margelansky radish. The variety is very easy to store, it can withstand freezing up to -5 degrees. Harvest can be stored in the basement, cellar or refrigerator for about two years.

Watch the video: Throw to Grow Flower Seed Mixtures from Moles Seeds (October 2024).

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