What is useful and harmful black radish juice? How to get and apply it, including with honey?

Black radish juice even now remains a popular folk remedy for many ailments. It is consumed in pure form, mixed with honey and sugar. Our great-grandmothers believed that vegetable juice is the key to a long and healthy life. Well, in the modern world, scientists have proved that the juice extracted from the radish contains a lot of useful substances that together collectively heal the human body.

What it is?

Black radish juice has long been famous for its healing properties.. Even in ancient Greece, people were treated with many diseases. Usually they use black radish juice, since it contains a huge amount of nutrients. Due to its natural origin, such a medicine is well suited even to a small child.

Chemical composition

Radish juice contains a lot of substances and trace elements, which are very useful for the body:

  • beta carotene;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamin PP;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • volatile;
  • lysozyme;
  • Vitamin B
  • vitamin C;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • vitamin A;
  • glucosides;
  • Minerals: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium.

What is useful or harmful?

Root juice is very useful for the digestive tract:

  • improves digestion;
  • saturates the body with the necessary vitamins;
  • cleanses the intestines.
Juice removes toxins well and eliminates congestion in all organs. If you regularly consume a little radish or drink its juice, you can save on visits to doctors, because they may not be needed.

What helps juice:

  1. Vegetable juice is considered a powerful natural antibiotic, so it is used for colds and for its prevention.
  2. During periods of epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections, even in modern clinics, it is advised to prevent diseases with the help of black radish juice, because it differs from medications by the minimum number of side effects with a strong therapeutic effect.
  3. Also, this medicine helps well with ulcers and wounds.

Radish juice has contraindications, so it is better to make sure before treatment that they are absent:

  • Do not they should be treated for people with heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.
  • In the presence of gastritis or ulcers in an exacerbated state, it is better to abandon such a remedy altogether.
  • The use of a vegetable and its juice is also strictly contraindicated if there has recently been a heart attack.
  • During pregnancy, it is also worthwhile to refrain from treatment with radish juice, since some substances in its composition can increase the tone of the uterus. This sometimes leads to miscarriages. If necessary, pregnant women should drink juice not of black radish, but of white. It is not so useful, but there are much less dangerous essential oils in it.

How to get a?

If you need to extract vegetable juice in its pure form, you can use two ways:

  • The first option is to use a juicer. Radish is a very dry and dense vegetable, so it will have to be cut into small pieces.
  • The second method is more difficult, but if you do not have a juicer, it is perfect.

    1. To get the juice, you need to rub the root crop on a fine grater.
    2. Then wrap the gauze in gauze and squeeze it well into any container.

You can also use the press. You can choose any convenient method, because regardless of it, black radish juice will have the same properties.

How to use?

With various ailments, the course of treatment will be different, but our great-grandmothers have long come up with a lot of recipes for any occasion.

With gallstone disease

The liquid should be drunk in three doses during the day at equal intervals. Servings should be small, literally one or two teaspoons. During treatment, unpleasant pain symptoms may occur, but do not worry, because this indicates effectiveness.

With viral diseases

Our grandmothers were also treated with root juice and honey. It is a safe and fairly tasty antiviral agent. Juice should be taken after meals, one tablespoon during the day. In the cold season, you can slightly reduce the dose of this medicine and use it for prevention.

With cholesterol

The course of treatment for "bad" cholesterol - 2 weeks. You need to dilute radish juice in a ratio of 3: 1 with water and drink 100 ml. half an hour before meals. Gradually, the dose should be increased, but not more than 500 ml.

With bruises, sprains

Compresses with juice or cake of radish well help with injuries. You can apply pure pulp of radish or moisten a clean cloth in an infusion based on juice. To cook it, you will need:

  • half a glass of black radish juice;
  • a glass of honey;
  • half a glass of vodka and a tablespoon of salt.

This mixture must be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

For constipation

Warm radish juice perfectly eliminates constipation. Take the product exactly 3 times a day after meals. A tablespoon will be quite enough. The course of treatment can reach 30 days.

From parasites

If you do not have gastrointestinal diseases, it will be easy to get rid of parasites with the help of root juice. 1 teaspoon before meals twice a day will cleanse the body of uninvited residents. Treatment should be continued for a month.

The benefits and harms of combining with honey

Radish and honey are very affordable ingredients that together give an elixir for colds and other diseases.

  • This mixture also perfectly affects the immune system and helps against tuberculosis and whooping cough.
  • Honey helps to extract from the radish all the most useful substances and supplements it with its beneficial properties.
  • Juice with honey is a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
  • And this medicine is also popular for problems with the thyroid gland, as it contains iodine.

Despite the benefits of radish juice and honey, they should be used with caution:

  • It should be remembered that honey is a common allergen. If you have an allergic reaction to honey, replace it with sugar.
  • Kidney stones are also a contraindication, as is a stomach ulcer.
  • With gastritis, you should be careful not to use radish with honey during its exacerbation.
  • Tachycardia, like any diseases of the cardiovascular system, also involves the rejection of treatment with radish juice.
  • During pregnancy, a healing elixir can serve poorly, exacerbating flatulence and heartburn.
If you decide to be treated with alternative methods, do not forget to consult a doctor first.

How to cook?

Radish honey and juice alone are very healthy. natural gifts. But in combination with each other, they form a really useful mixture that will not only cure many diseases, but even sweet tooth will like it. Well, getting healthy juice will be very simple.

The first method is very simple and for it you will need sugar or honey.

  1. First you need to wash the radish well and cut the fruit into small slices.
  2. Then the slices must be placed in a deep container and mixed with honey or sugar.
  3. After 2 or 3 hours, the juice will stand out by itself.
  4. To clean the radish do not need enough room temperature.

For the second method, honey will also be needed.

  1. In a thoroughly washed radish fruit, you need to cut out the middle, leaving the bottom whole.
  2. A teaspoon of honey is placed in the hole.
  3. Then you need to slightly incise the sides from the inside, so that juice stands out from them.
  4. Now the radish needs to be placed in any container and left at room temperature for 5-7 hours.


  1. Radish can be completely rubbed on a grater, previously peeled.
  2. After this, the chips should be thoroughly mixed with honey and leave the mass in a deep bowl for about 10 hours.
  3. Then you need to squeeze the mixture well through cheesecloth. Now the juice is ready to drink!

Use for anemia

Anemia is a very common disease, but it can be eliminated with the help of natural products.

For this:

  1. take in equal proportions the juice of radish with honey, grated beets and carrots;
  2. then mix all the ingredients and eat one tablespoon 3 times a day about 15-20 minutes before eating.

From cough

When coughing, you need only radish juice with honey, prepared in any convenient way. You need to use it one tablespoon after each meal. The course of treatment is about 7 days.

Despite a small number of contraindications, black radish juice remains a proven remedy that helps with many diseases. it the medicine will help improve immunity, prevent the development of new diseases and cure existing ones.

We suggest watching a video on how radish juice with honey helps with coughing:

Radish does not require complicated maintenance, and if you do not have your own garden, it can easily be found in the market or in the store. If you are looking for a budget product with a natural composition, the juice of an ordinary black radish, beloved by our ancestors, will be an ideal option.

Watch the video: Black Radish with Honey - Coughing remedy - Try this simple hack! (October 2024).

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