Diseases and pests of the Phalaenopsis orchid, treatment and care of the plant at home

Orchid is a delicate and very beautiful plant, which is quite difficult to care for. In case of failure to comply with the basic agricultural regulations, orchids can be affected by pests and diseases.

This is a rather unpleasant process, as a result of which you can lose all your flowers. In this article we will consider the causes of diseases of orchids, flower pests and methods of dealing with them. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

What it is?

ATTENTION: An orchid may become ill if the basic rules for growing a flower are not followed. There are diseases of fungal, bacterial and viral origin. Most often, they arise on the care of the grower: waterlogging of the soil, the use of an uninfected tool, excessive fertilizer application.

These causes are often the culprits of the appearance of pests that begin to feed on the sap of the plant. So the main task of each grower is timely prevention, which helps prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of parasites.

Possible dangers

For each flower, pests and diseases have a detrimental effect.so orchid is no exception. For example, insects feed on the sap of the plant, as a result of which it begins to fade, its flowering stops, and if no action is taken, the orchid will die.

But orchid diseases are even more dangerous, as some of them cannot be treated. The only thing left is the grower, so say goodbye to the affected orchid until it has infected the rest of the flowers.

Common diseases and their photos

Bacterial spotting

You can determine the disease by the presence on the leaves of pronounced spotting. In addition, the affected leaves turn yellow, and after dark.

If there is no treatment, then the leaves soften, become covered with ulcers that thin the fluid. As a result, the plant can rot and die.

Whitish dew

The leaves and buds of the orchid are covered with a whitish wear, as if flour was poured on them. This disease has a fungal origin.

The affected elements of the flower dry out, which will lead to the death of the orchid (read about other reasons for drying the orchid here). The main reason for the development of powdery mildew is increased humidity and high temperature indicators.

Sooty mushrooms (black)

Pests that damage the plant (aphid, scutellum, mealybug) can affect their development. They secrete a sticky fluid, which is a favorable environment for the development of the fungus.

The formed black coating prevents photosynthesis, due to which the plant weakens and dies.


Orchids often rot. The main reasons for their development are fungi and bacteria.

The root system and leaves rot, acquire a dark color, softness. Increased humidity and high temperature can affect the development of rot.

You will find more information about decay on the orchid here, and here we talked about how to save and grow the roots of the orchid in this case.

Watch a video about orchid rot:

Pests and their photos


This type of insect most often affects the orchid.

They feed on the juice of the flower, so when they are discovered late, the orchid dies. Mealybug - one of the most dangerous orchid pests, because it has a small size, nondescript appearance.

Watch a video about the mealybug orchid pest:


In phalaenopsis, several species of ticks can parasitize. Their danger is that they are small in size, so it is not always possible to detect them in a timely manner.

The following types of ticks affecting the orchid:


It can be recognized by the white body. Its larvae are yellow or white. The pest itself is tiny. It freely wilts inside the root system, sucks out the juice, depriving the flower of nutrition. Most often, the pest parasitizes at the base of the leaves. Against the background of root tick damage, fungal diseases develop.

False web

This insect has yellow or red body color. The parasite feeds on orchid juice, because of which the inside of the leaves becomes covered with a silver-white bloom, and after a while they disappear.

Red spider web

This dangerous pest covers the leaves with a coating similar to thin white cobwebs. Yellow spots form on the inside of the leaves, then the entire surface loses its juice, turns yellow and dries.


This pest is very similar to half a match head. Scabies 0.2 cm long.

The shield does not have wings, so in one place the pest parasitizes for a long time. It is very prolific and constantly lays eggs.

Females secrete fluid in which soot fungus actively multiplies. Leaves begin to rot and fall away.

What to treat?

Folk remedies

  • Garlic. Garlic infusion is an excellent tool for combating scabies, ticks and cherries. To prepare the product, take a head of finely chopped raw materials, pour 1 liter of water.

    Insist 7 days, and then apply for spraying. For 10 liters of water, it is enough to take 50 ml of solution.

    The solution is not subject to storage, so before each use you will have to prepare a new one.

  • Green soap. A solution of laundry soap in its pure form is used in the fight against pests such as aphids, chervenets, ticks, scabies.

    To prepare the product, take 200 g of soap, grind, pour 10 liters of clean hot water. Using a soft sponge, wipe the leaves and stems of the plant with a solution, and then rinse with hot water.

    Laundry soap is also used to increase the viscosity of medicinal infusions and insecticides. This allows the solution to settle on the leaves and better absorb, rather than drain.

  • Shag tobacco. These components are used in the fight against aphids, ticks, thrips. Only use strong tobacco, without impurities and flavors.

    To prepare the infusion, take tobacco and pour it with water (1:10). Insist 1 day. Dilute the finished composition with water (1: 2), add laundry soap (40 g per 10 l). Apply to spray orchids.

  • Potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate, as a trace element, requires orchids to increase defenses, improve growth and strengthen the root system.

    Make the solution slightly pink (2 drops per 10 liters of water). The solution can be used to spray plants to protect against aphids, whiteflies.


IMPORTANT: To control diseases and pests, orchids use fungicides. These are drugs that effectively fight fungal infections.

Among the variety of chemicals, the following are distinguished:

  • Quadris. It is a fungicide with a wide range of effects. It is effective in the treatment of powdery mildew, anthracnose, fusarium wilt, gray rot.
  • Blue vitriol. It contains honey sulfate, which is soluble in water. You can see a positive result from the use of the drug after 2 hours after application.
  • Fitosporin. This drug provides protection for the indoor flower from various diseases. They release it in the form of a paste, powder and liquid solution.
  • Pure flower. This drug is characterized by high protective properties. It is used for the first symptoms of fungal infections and for prevention.


Among biological preparations are also very effective in controlling parasites.

Consider the best:

  • Agate-25K. To prepare the solution, take 3 liters of water and dissolve 1 scoop of the drug. Spray 3-4 times with an interval of 20 days.
  • Alirin-B. To prepare the solution, take 2 tablets and dissolve in 10 l of water. Apply for spraying every 5-7 days. It is enough to carry out 3 treatments.
  • Bordeaux fluid. To prepare the solution, take quicklime in the form of fluff in the amount of 300 g, the same amount of copper sulfate and pour 10 liters of water.

What to do?

Spots appeared

When the leaves begin to become covered with white spots and dots, then frequent and plentiful watering can affect this. Upon contact with water, whitish spots form on the leaves. Nothing can be done with them, so that the spots will remain on the leaves, but watering will have to be normalized and this will save the flower.

You can read more about why spots appear on the leaves, as well as on the stem and flowers, here, and here we talked about what other orchid leaf diseases are.

The plant turns yellow

The main reason for the yellowing of the plant is a dried earthen lump.. Do not water the plant from a watering can, as the water will immediately penetrate the pan, and the bark will not wet, the roots will not have time to get drunk.

Orchid begins to draw moisture and nutrients from old leaves. As a result, the leaves become soft and yellow.

For treatment, it is important to change the method of irrigation. It is advantageous to immerse the flower in a deep tray with water.

You can learn more about yellowing orchids from this article.

Flowers fall

This process is considered normal for orchids. Phalaenopsis blooms for several months for a long timebut once they all fade evenly. Just after the flowers fall, the peduncle needs to be cut. If it is green, then do not touch it. You can trim only the upper part where the flowers were. These buds have already been used, so nothing will grow out of them.

Sticky leaves

Periodic wetting, accumulation of water in the sump and on the surface of the earth can affect the development of this problem. Auxiliary factors are low room temperature, bright lighting.

If the leaves of the orchid are sticky, spots appear, then immediately remove it from the windowsill, dry the top layer of the earth, provide high-quality drainage.

Read more about the treatment of sticky leaves in orchids here.


The following tips will help prevent plant decay:

  • choosing a place for a flower, pay attention to lighting, temperature and humidity;
  • install an orchid in a ventilated room;
  • watering should be performed as necessary when moisture evaporates from the ground and it becomes dry;
  • 30-40 minutes after moisturizing, remove excess water on the core of the flower with a napkin.

Fade away

If the orchid begins to wilt - as close as possible the conditions of its maintenance to natural. To do this, you need to irrigate with warm water, then wait for the liquid to drain and dry. Drying provides excellent air circulation. Frequent airing will also be required, but only without drafts.

You can find out more why the leaves and flowers of orchids fade here.

How to save if there are no roots left?

If the roots are rotten, then you can still try to save the orchid, if you adhere to the following plan:

  1. Remove it from the ground and dry.
  2. Remove all problem areas, and treat the slice with activated carbon powder.
  3. As soon as the plant dries, its lower part is immersed for 10 minutes in a solution of Rimodil or Fungicide. This will reduce the risk of harmful insects.
  4. If at least small roots remain, then hold them in a growth stimulator. This will strengthen the immunity of the flower and accelerate rooting.

Watch a video about resuscitation of an orchid with rotten roots:

Home Care

After recovery

After a successful recovery, orchid care includes the following activities:

  1. Place the container with orchid in a shaded place so that the direct rays of the sun were absent and did not penetrate the leaves.
  2. Provide the plant with a comfortable temperature range - 22-25 degrees.
  3. Avoid drafts; when airing, remove the pot from the windowsill.
  4. Increase the humidity by placing wet pebbles or expanded clay near a flower pot.


But during the treatment of orchid care should be extremely careful and thorough. Most often, flower growers transplant a flower in combination with preparations for processing.

There are some nuances here:

  1. For transplantation use pine bark and sphagnum moss. A ready-made substrate is perfect.
  2. At the bottom of the pot lay a layer of substrate, on top of it carefully the roots of the diseased plant. No need to push and push them.
  3. After planting, water the plant carefully. The next watering should be done only after thoroughly drying the earth. If humidity is high, set aside for 2 weeks.
  4. Set the plant in a shaded area until full recovery. It is best to separate it from the rest of the orchids in order to prevent mass infection.


To prevent recurrence of orchid disease, it is important to observe the following preventive measures:

  • Lighting. A flower likes to be in a sanctified place. But at the same time direct sunlight is not permissible. With a reduced daylight, provide the plant with light using special lamps.
  • Temperature mode. Favorable indicators remain: summer - 25-30 degrees, in winter - 20-25 degrees. Minor leaps are allowed day and night, ensuring the formation of flower buds.
  • Fresh air also very important for phalaenopsis, so regular ventilation is required.
  • Air humidity. It should be in the range of 60-80%. During the heating season, to increase it, it is necessary to place containers with water near the flower.
  • Watering. Perform it only after the bark is completely dry. To do this, install the flower from the pot in a container of water for half an hour. This time will be enough for the plant to absorb the required amount of liquid.


Phalaenopsis is a type of orchid that is not only beautiful in flowering, but also resistant to pests and diseases. But due to improper care of them, the plant can be destroyed if treatment is not started in time.

So the flower grower should regularly inspect the orchid and is attentive to the agrotechnical requirements when growing this sophisticated flower.

Watch the video: Orchid Disease - Bacterial Brown Rot, spotting, treating and preventing (October 2024).

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