Excursions in Prague in Russian - which one to choose?

Prague is an amazingly beautiful city with a thousand-year history. Everything is saturated and breathes with antiquity: cobblestone roads, red tiled roofs, spacious shady parks, gas lanterns. And at the same time, the capital of the Czech Republic can be completely different: a place for romantic dates, a haven for emigrants, a place of residence for medieval knights.

In order not to miss anything important and interesting here, you can use the services of a guide conducting tours in Russian. The choice of companies and private guides is quite extensive, and to help you find your "guide", we have compiled a rating of the best of them based on reviews from tourists. Having ordered interesting excursions in Prague from experienced guides, you will get to know exactly the many-sided Prague that it really is.


The tours organized by Dmitry take the form of a relaxed and interesting dialogue, and sometimes an emotional and colorful performance in Russian. This guide can easily adapt to different people (age, interests) and find a common language with them.
No matter how "motley" the company gathered for the tour is, all its participants are satisfied! Dmitry literally “falls in love” with Prague, arouses the desire to return to the streets of the city and take a long walk around them.

Prague stories
  • excursion for 1-5 people
  • duration 2.5 hours
  • price 68 €, regardless of the number of participants

An experienced guide will guide you through the center of the Czech capital and show you the most “postcard” and significant places: Wenceslas Square, Prague Castle, Zheleznaya Street, Rudolfinum Philharmonic Hall, Charles Bridge.

Nor do you have to listen to boring facts. On the contrary, you will remember this sightseeing tour of Prague as a small and exciting journey into the past with comments in Russian. There are many interesting nuances in the history of Prague, and some of them you will hear during this walk. You will learn about the main city attractions that are not in the guidebooks, for example:

  • how to find the first examples of corruption in the landscape of Prague;
  • why did they start building the Charles Bridge at 6 o’clock in the morning, and where the “first” stone was laid;
  • what happened when a German soldier mixed up two famous composers.

Find out more about the guide and excursions


An energetic Russian-speaking guide in Prague, captivated by the beauty and history of a fabulous European city - this can be briefly described by Eugene.
This is a wonderful storyteller, with an infinitely many stories in stock, able to present them easily and with humor.
Eugene always tells guests of the Czech capital where to spend interesting time, which restaurants and pubs are worth visiting, and how to move around the city.

All Prague in one day
  • excursion for 1-4 people
  • 4 hours
  • value 120 €

During this large sightseeing tour, covering the main attractions of Prague, you will see the whole Prague Castle, the magnificent Hradcany Square, Charles Bridge, St. Vitus Cathedral and other amazing temples. And from the observation deck, located at the old Strahov Monastery, you will enjoy stunning panoramic views of the Czech capital. During the walk, in excellent Russian, the guide will tell you the most interesting stories from the life of the townspeople, and you will understand why Prague is called mystical, hundred-tower, golden.

Significant city sights are located at a decent distance from each other, and having a comfortable car guide will help you visit them all during one program.

Magic Prague Promenade
  • group up to 20 people
  • duration 1.5 hours
  • price 15 € per person

This group tour of Prague in Russian takes place with a guide, but in a not quite familiar format. Wearing headphones, you will become a full participant in the audio performance, and together with the young man in love, Franta will travel through time, trying to find his beloved Gann. And the scene will be Prague itself with its iconic sights and secret corners: the Powder Gate, the house at the Black Madonna, the Church of St. Jacob, the Ungelt Inn, the Old Town Square, the Jewish Quarter. Although the route was laid along the main streets, it didn’t follow the well-worn hiking trails.

If you are already a little familiar with Prague and want to discover something new for yourself - such a walk is for you. It is ideal for those who are not afraid to experiment, as well as families with children from 6 to 14 years.
View all tours of Eugene


Mikhail is a professional pilot instructor and guide with a medical education, a healthy sense of humor, and excellent knowledge of the Russian language. It offers not just sightseeing tours in Russian, but real fantastic adventures that take place right in the air!

Mikhail conducts the pre-flight briefing and lecture on the topic of airplane control simply and intelligibly. So much so that even a person who, for the first time in his life sees a plane, has the impression that he is ready for independent flight.

Romantic flight for two (or three)
  • travel for 1-3 people
  • flight lasts 30 minutes, 1 hour or 1.45 hours
  • price for the excursion depending on the chosen time 199 €, 359 € or 479 €

If you are not interested in standard walks in Prague, if you want to get unbanal photos of Czech ancient castles and the picturesque beauties of nature, this air trip is for you.

Before the flight, the guide will definitely discuss the upcoming program with you. You have the opportunity to choose one of the proposed standard routes or create your own flight plan.

But that's not all: after landing, you can inspect the hangar and airfield, as well as conduct a photo shoot.
All prices and guided tours


Galina has been living in Prague for 12 years and is familiar with a real, non-tourist city, with its history and modernity.

She is a licensed guide, a true professional in her field. Galina knows the history of the Czech Republic and its capital well, knows how to provide all the information in an accessible and unobtrusive way.

“A very informative story, a lot of little-known facts about the history of the state, a beautiful Russian language” - such comments tourists leave in reviews about the guide Galina.

All Prague Castle
  • excursion for 1-6 people
  • 4 hours
  • price 144 € regardless of the number of participants

Prague Castle has long been recognized as a visiting card of the Czech capital. This excursion in Prague in Russian includes visits to all the churches and palaces of Prague Castle, open to tourists. And along the way, the guide will tell you about the features of architecture, about the life and secrets of Czech rulers. In a short excursion time, you will truly fall in love with the Czech Republic!

A sweet tour of historic Prague
  • excursion for 1-6 people
  • duration 3 hours
  • cost 144 € regardless of the number of people

If you are a sweet tooth, then Prague beer is unlikely to interest you. Rather, you will be interested in "sweet" impressions of this unique Czech city. In this case, this program in Russian is exactly what you need. You will walk through many historical places, stroll near unusual houses and famous temples, stop in secret courtyards, go to famous pastry shops, try Prague specialties and delicious coffee. In general, you can appreciate the taste of Prague!
More details about Galina and her excursions


Sona has been living in Prague for quite some time. This wonderful city so conquered and charmed her that she remembered her forgotten passion for quests and decided to use it to organize non-trivial excursions around Prague in Russian.

Sona and her excursion quests are in great demand. In addition to the standard perception of the main attractions, tourists want to fully experience the cultural atmosphere of one of the most charismatic European capitals. Sona is on the list of the best guides who are ready to organize such an acquaintance, and at the same time speak good Russian.

Quest tour of fairytale Prague
  • quest tour for 1-40 participants
  • quest time 2.5 hours
  • payment - 23 € per person

This program in Russian will interest you much more than a regular Prague guided walk and will give you a unique opportunity to get to know unique Prague sights more closely. Solving problems and puzzles, getting tips, exploring the streets and carefully looking around, you delve into the history of Prague. You will glance at places that were not supposed to exist, and also visit 12 main iconic places. And at the end of an unusual and informative route, a surprise from the guide awaits you!
Book a tour with Sona


Since 1999, Denis has been living in the Czech capital. He loves to travel himself and helps others do it by offering the services of a private guide in Prague in Russian.

"Denis is an erudite and educated person, an excellent storyteller. He knows how to capture the attention of listeners, surprisingly accessible and exciting talking about the history, architecture and life of Prague!" - such reviews are left by tourists on Denis's personal page.

As a rule, this Russian-speaking guide is recommended to energetic intellectuals who want to see Prague from its non-tourist side.

Yards, backyards and gates of the Old Town
  • excursion program for 1-4 people
  • walk duration 3.5 hours
  • guided tour 100 €

It’s worth saying right away that it’s best to go on this excursion after the sightseeing tour, having first looked at the “front” Prague. Here you will discover a lot of new things, bypassing all tourist flows and not missing out on interesting historical facts. You will learn how this city was formed and how its gateways appeared, where an underground tunnel led from the house of Rabbi Lev, where good free exhibitions work, in which coffee houses the locals prefer to drink coffee.
View all guided tours


Martin grew up in Moscow, but has long been traveling between Prague, Salzburg, Venice and Rome, periodically changing his place of residence. Martin is a journalist by profession, and organizing interesting sightseeing tours in Russian is his favorite pastime besides journalism.

Martin helps guests of the Czech capital quickly settle in here, see and love her wholeheartedly. As Martin himself tells tourists, "you will love Prague so much that you may decide to live here permanently and we will become neighbors!"

Vysehrad and Prague Castle: secrets and legends of evening Prague
  • group up to 8 people
  • duration 2.5 hours
  • price 19 € per person

The peculiarity of this program in Russian is that it takes place after sunset, when Prague is immersed in magical dusk. You will walk through the most beautiful squares, admire the St. Vitus Cathedral with its mysterious gargoyles, climb the Vysehrad fortress and enjoy magnificent evening views from a height. During the walk, the guide will tell you many exciting, romantic and frightening legends about Prague.

The route is conveniently planned; hiking is combined with moving in a comfortable car. It is thanks to the presence of a car that the guide manages to see sights in different urban areas during one tour.

First acquaintance with Prague and its crafts
  • group up to 19 participants
  • duration 2.5 hours
  • price 15 € per person

This tour successfully combines a bus ride along the main streets of Prague and a visit to an exhibition of Czech crafts. During the trip you will have time to see the main attractions: Karlovo and Wenceslas Square, the Dancing House, the Powder Gate, the main station, as well as the Strahov, Břevnov and Belogorsky monasteries. When there is a stop at the White Mountain, you will hear an interesting guide's account of the military victories and defeats of the Czech Republic. Then you will go up to the Hradcanska Observation Deck, from where impressive panoramic views will open before you.

And at the exhibition of traditional Czech crafts, you will not only learn how beer, wine, crystal and porcelain are produced in this country, but you can also buy original gifts made by local craftsmen.
More details about Martin guide excursions


The guide Olga speaks excellent Russian and at the same time knows Prague very well: she comes from St. Petersburg, but has been living in the Czech capital for many years.
Olga tells easily and interestingly, even the feeling of time travel or a fairy tale is created. In addition, she recommends for independent visits to the most interesting places and restaurants in Prague.
Tourists who have already used the services of this guide, note that thanks to Olga, acquaintance with Prague is exciting, and the city shows all its hospitality as much as possible.

Hello, beautiful Prague!
  • program for 1-4 people
  • 4 hours
  • price 88 €, regardless of the number of excursions

What will this route give you? It is very rich, and the guide’s stories in Russian will complement and brighten up even more. Starting from Wenceslas Square, you will walk through a unique complex of passages with unnamed streets, ancient continuously working elevators and sculptures of the scandalous David Černa. You will visit the existing Strahov Monastery and see all the sights of the largest presidential residence in the world - Prague Castle Fortress. Then you stroll through the romantic Lesser Country and visit Prague in Venice, where there is a picturesque canal Chertovka, bridge of kisses and a water mill. And finally, passing through the famous Charles Bridge, you will find yourself in the very heart of Prague - on Old Town Square.

Transfer + tour of the main places of the Czech capital
  • excursion for 1-4 people
  • duration 6 hours
  • price 185 € for the whole excursion

This route will be ideal for you if you just flew to Prague and immediately want to start getting to know her, or if you are here. On the way from the airport, sitting in a comfortable car and listening to the beautiful Russian speech of the guide, you will learn a lot of interesting and important information about this European city. And then the most ambitious and significant sights are waiting for you, you can take a photo against the backdrop of all the "postcard" views of the Czech capital, and also - visit the restaurant with delicious national cuisine and excellent Czech beer!
Learn more about the guide Olga and her offers


Nadezhda, whose native language is Russian, studied at one of the best Czech tourism business schools. But for tourists, she does not retell dry memorized facts, but provides the most important information in an interesting and accessible way.
Nadezhda believes that any individual excursion is a joint creation, and therefore she is always ready to adjust the planned route.
As a professional, this experienced Russian-speaking guide recommends visiting interesting museums and the best restaurants in Prague.

Four cities of Prague
  • excursion for 1-6 people
  • 4 hours
  • guided tour 100 €

The Old Town and the New, Hradcany and Small Country - all of them were united in the great Prague. This route is a classic one; no acquaintance with the capital of a European state can do without it. During the tour, the guide will take you to all the most famous places and the "secret" corners of Prague, and show you the backstage of Prague's life.The walking tour route in Russian is well thought out and compiled, the program is rich and exciting.

History and life of Prague in the legends of the Old Town
  • sightseeing tour for 1-6 people
  • duration 2 hours
  • guided tour 75 €

Few cities are surrounded by such mysterious legends, as is the case with Prague. As soon as in the evening twilight you walk along the ancient narrow streets, you will immediately have a mystical mood! Historical facts, interwoven with ancient legends told by the guide, allow you to take a fresh look at Prague. The evening will fly by in one breath, leaving a lot of positive emotions!
View all 14 excursions of Hope


A guide is not only a part of your impressions, it is your good friend during the excursion. Choosing the most interesting excursion route in Prague with a Russian-speaking guide, you can fully enjoy your stay in this European city. And the well-known Russian language that is heard nearby will allow you to feel confident, as if at home.

Go to the selection of a guide in Prague

Video of a sightseeing tour of Prague.

Watch the video: Prague Was Franz Kafka Private Tour (October 2024).

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