Table design with infinity effect, manufacturing description

The original appearance has always been a plus of any home, because decorating a house means improving the quality of life. Furniture manufacturers use various ideas to draw attention to their products. Home masters successfully apply them in the independent manufacture of objects. For example, a table with the effect of infinity, made by yourself, will be an excellent decoration for any interior. Making such furniture is not easy, but possible. To do this, you need minimal carpentry skills and knowledge of the schemes and principles of connecting LEDs.

Design features

If you look at the table with backlight, you can imagine that in the depths there is a portal to another dimension. To achieve this effect, you will need only 2 mirrors of the right size and LEDs that will be located between them. The color of the lamps can be any. Turning on the table with LED backlighting is carried out using the remote control or a small button. Lamps are economical, durable and safe for humans and the environment. In addition, you can make the backlight of the LED strip.

Experts recommend equipping the LED table with red lamps, since this color is less diffused than others.

This piece of furniture can be placed in the country or in the office. It will look especially beautiful in the home interior - with the arrangement of the living room, bedroom, loggia. Before making a 3d table with your own hands, you should consider some of the nuances:

  • where will he be;
  • room area;
  • appointment;
  • will fit into the interior.

Such an item is necessary for the relaxation area along with a deep armchair or hookah. It can be of various heights and sizes. A similar design will look good in minimalist styles of the interior. If you attach wheels to a coffee table with backlight, then it can be moved around the apartment. In addition, it is easy to care for. The undoubted advantage of manufacturing a product with your own hands is significant savings. In addition, a thing done independently, always looks more original, more interesting than ready-made options.

Illuminated coffee tables can be purchased, but such items are quite expensive, so it’s best to make them yourself. It should be noted that sunlight should not fall on the mirror surface. She is also afraid of high humidity and high temperature - a glass of hot coffee should be placed on a stand.

Materials and Tools

The home master should stock up on:

  • boards, chipboard, MDF or plywood;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • mirror canvas 70 x 60 cm;
  • emery paper;
  • a translucent mirror or glass with a reflective film 10 cm larger than the mirror;
  • screwdriver;
  • power supply with USB output;
  • LED self-adhesive tape (2 m);
  • wires
  • USB cable to power the microcontroller;
  • programmer;
  • super glue;
  • microcontroller (for a smooth pulsating glow).

The coffee table lighting with a garland instead of an LED strip looks interesting. It does not require special lighting equipment.

Before you start creating any piece of furniture, you should choose the most suitable material for the box. It can be wood, MDF, particleboard, plywood and so on. The table provides a comparative overview.

Name of material




Cheap, durable, moisture resistant

Toxic, has a loose structure


2 times more environmentally friendly, more durable than chipboard, easy to process

Chips and various damage are possible.


Durable, easy to handle, relatively inexpensive

Sheet texture is difficult to process


Eco-friendly, looks rich, with proper processing has a long life

High cost, flammable

Based on the above characteristics, we can conclude that it is better to use a board for the base of the table. You can also take a ready-made frame of suitable dimensions.

How to make it yourself

To make the original product yourself, you must prepare all the materials and tools in advance. In this case, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions of the table with the effect of infinity with your own hands. Size charts are easy to find on topic forums.

Box creation

To make it, you need to take 4 boards 25 mm thick, 15-20 cm wide of arbitrary length. Then they should be cleaned with sandpaper, with the help of screws, twist the frame or purchase the simplest table and remove the countertop. Then, according to the instructions, you need to do mirrors or use glass with a reflective film instead.

Make frameUsing screws, twist the frame

Mirror Installation

To the top of the box you need to glue a mirror. In size, it must exactly match the dimensions of the base of the cabinet, therefore, careful measurements should first be made. It is convenient to apply the film to the 3D tables with a bank plastic card, and instead of the lower mirror, you can take the glass and paste it with opaque mirror material.

Glue the mirror to the box

Backlight Mounting

After assembling the box and installing the mirrors, you need to assemble the LED frame for the tape to create "infinity." In external dimensions, it should correspond to the external parameters of the frame, and in internal dimensions it should retreat inward from the edges by 10-20 mm. When the box is ready, inside, glue the tape and screw the frame to the sides of the cabinet. In order for the table backlight to work properly, you need to deal with electronics. But first, you should drill holes for the output of wires to the outside. It is important to carefully study the connection diagram of the LEDs so that in the future there is no short circuit.

As a table illumination, it is easier to use a garland - it works from the outlet, but additional fixing of bulbs will be required.

Drill wire outlet holesStick LED stripLay wires and lead them out

Glass mount

When the backlight is assembled or purchased with an existing programmer, microcontroller, power supply, a translucent mirror or glass with a translucent film should be fixed on the frame with special screws. It is better to choose decorative fittings for this purpose. You can also consider the option of countersunk screws.

Assemble top frameGlue the mirror to the frameInstall the upper part to the frame

Assembly assembly

The final stage is assembly. On the edges of the frame you need to nail thin strips. In height, they should form a single plane with the glass. An upper frame should be attached to the rails, which will ensure the strength of the table with backlight.

What determines the depth of the tunnel

The depth of a backlit coffee table tunnel depends on several factors:

  1. The degree of transparency of the upper surface. If you apply a car film with an indicator of 70% to the glass, the depth will be less than when using the 92% option.
  2. The depth of the table tunnel with LED backlighting (LEDs) also depends on the distance between the mirror surfaces.
  3. From the brightness of the light source - the more intense it is, the greater the illusion of depth.

An illusory infinite mirror occurs when the LEDs repeatedly reflect between the real and imaginary mirrors, creating a tunnel that tends deep into the center. At the same time, the main reflection loss occurs on the translucent surface, and each subsequent one becomes weaker by a percentage of its throughput. Therefore, the greater the distance between them, the deeper the tunnel.

The reflection coefficient can be calculated by the formula: (n2 - n1) 2 / (n2 + n1) 2, where n are the refractive indices of two media.

Top surface transparencyDistance between mirror surfacesLight source brightness

Interesting table lighting options

A table with an endless mirror is able to give an ultra-modern look to any interior. He successfully fits into the futuristic design, where the latest technology and materials are welcome. There are several options for lighting mirror tables.

Light source

Application and Features

LED bulbs

For large surfaces, provide bright light

LED Strip Light

Versatile, durable, economical, practical, easy to install

Neon lamps or threads

Uniform bright or soft glow, unusual and beautiful in their own way

Lighting the table with an LED strip can be single-color, multi-color, flashing or even, work from a wall outlet or remote control. We recommend experimenting with furniture lighting by placing one figure in another, for example, a square in a circle or a circle in a rectangle. Interesting ideas for designing tables for various purposes with diode lighting:

  • dressing with bulbs or tape around the mirror;
  • with glass top and backlight, but without a mirror;
  • computer;
  • journal
  • kitchen and other models.

So, if there is a shelf on the racks above the computer, then it can be highlighted with LEDs on the top and sides, attaching them in the form of the letter "P". Since for lack of a separate office the working area is often located in the living room, then a stylish table will be very welcome. The backlight will also be quite appropriate here. A coffee table with an infinity effect, made on its own, will also look good if the countertop is made of transparent, translucent glass and is illuminated by LED strip, especially if the overall design of the room is designed in the style of minimalism or hi-tech.

Interesting, unusual pieces of furniture are able to emphasize the dignity of the interior. And original tables with the effect of infinity can become his main accent. On condition of self-production, you can not only save money, but also create a truly exclusive thing.



Watch the video: 3D Infinity Ceiling Stretch Ceiling 3D illusion Effect on Stretch Ceiling by elektric-junkys (October 2024).

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