What to do if a cat begins to crap on the bed, possible reasons

The appearance of an animal in the house is certainly a joy. Communication with cats brings positive emotions to both children and adults. But sometimes unpleasant moments happen when the cat is crap on the bed, and then you should know what to do to avoid the reappearance of puddles and marks. This article is narrated about this.

Possible reasons

Many people think that if an animal starts going to the toilet on the bed, then it takes revenge on the owner. This is a misconception. If the cat is crap on the bed, what should I do? First you need to determine the exact cause of the unacceptable behavior of a furry household. Experienced breeders and veterinarians identify several reasons why cats shit.

Dirty tray

The cat's toilet needs to be flushed daily, it must be clean, odorless. This is due to the behavior of animals in nature. To prevent predators from finding them, representatives of the cat breed buried their feces and urine in the ground. So they try to protect themselves, to hide traces. But the second time the cat will not go into the dirty tray. That is why, if a puddle is found on his bed, the owner is first recommended to check the cleanliness of the animal’s tray.

Change the type of cat litter

It happens that the cat began to crap on the bed if the owner decided to change the filler. An animal, seeing an unfamiliar composition, can begin to write in the wrong places. Lack of filler can also lead to similar results. A cat that is accustomed to walking in the filler, in his absence, can pee in the wrong place, for example, making a puddle on the owner’s bed.


Strange behavior can cause stress. Stress, anxiety in a cat can appear for various reasons. For example, when other animals or small children appear in the house. In addition, cats can hardly move to a new place of residence. Physical punishment in animals also provokes tension, fear, anxiety.


When the cat goes to the toilet on the sleeping bed of the owner, it is necessary to carefully examine the animal. Perhaps the reasons lie in her poor health, this may also indicate the presence of diseases. Most often, puddles in a berth appear due to urolithiasis. It becomes painful for the cat to go to the toilet, so she avoids the tray, associating it with pain. The animal is trying to find a soft spot where urination does not cause discomfort. With bowel diseases on the bed, the host can detect such a nuisance as feces. In any case, it is impossible to delay the treatment of animals, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Hormonal adjustment

This period also provokes the cat to inappropriate behavior. In the animal’s body, hormonal changes occur. During the mating season, cats begin to mark territory, trying to leave their marks not only on the bed, but throughout the house.

Older animals may defecate on the bed due to past illnesses as well as hormonal imbalances. An old cat may just not have time to get to the tray. In addition, often aging animals forget where they were taught to write, and begin to make puddles on the bed.

Some owners for a cat with their own hands make a couch or purchase in a store. If the animal suffers from incontinence, this will save the owner’s bed from puddles and the smell of urine. The couch will have to be washed from time to time.

Inaccessibility tray

It also happens that the cat wrote on the bed when the owner changed the tray to a new one. Accustomed to the previous toilet seat and tray, the animal can begin to crap on the bed. There are cases when cats write in the wrong places, even when the tray is moved a few centimeters. Another reason for the appearance of puddles on the bed is the forgetfulness of the owners. It is connected with the fact that households sometimes forget about cats and can block access to the tray. The cat cannot get to its usual place, looking for a new one.

The above reasons are common for all cats, regardless of gender, age. You should also familiarize yourself with the categories of animals that often start going to the toilet on the bed.


Kitten shit is also a common occurrence. Small animals, especially those who have not yet been accustomed to the tray or in the learning process, can write on the bed and in other wrong places. Such misses often happen until the kitten is accustomed to one place of bowel movement. Often the owners begin to try different fillers, bedding, newspapers, napkins. This also provokes the kittens to look for another place for the toilet, as they are not used to the tray and its contents, especially when it is constantly changing.

Unsterilized cats and cats

Unsterilized animals try to attract the attention of the opposite sex as quickly as possible. A change in behavior is associated with the influence of sex hormones on cats and cats. They can start writing on the bed, meow loudly. Sterilized animals are often not susceptible to this behavior, as they do not produce such an amount of hormones.

Old animals

Cats and cats that are over 10 years old can write in the wrong places due to incontinence. The old animal simply does not have time to reach the tray. Thus, it is important to understand in detail the reasons for the appearance of puddles and marks on the bed, since the further behavior of the owner depends on this. Correct determination of the cause will help to avoid such unpleasant moments with pets.

There is even a sign that the cat is crap. In different countries, the value is radically different: puddles on the bed can indicate upcoming wealth, precede unpleasant events or, be a messenger of good luck.

Puddles or tags

Why the cat crap on the bed, now it became known. How to find out what remains on the bed: puddles or tags?

Labels are determined by the following criteria:

  1. Puberty. It begins in animals at different times, depending on the breed. Puberty occurs at the age of 6-9 months. That's when cats begin to mark territory;
  2. Cats during estrus can also begin to write in the wrong places;
  3. Recognize the tags by smell, unlike urine, it is specific and very sharp;
  4. If you take a part for analysis, it turns out that these are only pheromones and not a drop of urine;
  5. You can identify puddles or tags if you see how the cat does it. He lifts his tail vertically, stretches his hind legs and sprays pillows and blankets with a strong jet. Marks of a cat signal readiness for breeding.

Signs of cat puddles:

  1. A puddle is much more than a spot from the marks, it is not a few drops, but a large wet place on the bed;
  2. To pee, the cat lowers its tail, sits down, spreads its hind legs;
  3. Puddles may not have any pungent odor like tags.
  4. A puddle the cat will try to "bury" the puddle by covering it with a blanket or crumpling the bed.

Depending on whether it is puddles or tags, there are different ways to deal with their appearances.


Get rid of stains and smell

How to remove smell and stains? Eliminate them using special tools that are sold in pet stores or folk remedies. In this case, it is necessary to process each site in the room. The process is quite laborious. To avoid a situation when a cat is crap on a bed, it is necessary to wean the animal from a bad habit.

Folk remedies

It is difficult to remove stains and unpleasant odors from the bed. This is especially true for tags. Folk remedies used to get rid of the smell:

  • The aroma of citrus fruits - it scares away cats, and acid helps neutralize odors. To do this, squeeze the juice of lemon, dilute with a glass of boiled water, wipe the surface;
  • Diluted vinegar removes stains and odors well;
  • Baking soda with hydrogen peroxide 3% (the product is suitable only for hard surfaces);
  • Alcohol or vodka - the stained area is thoroughly wiped with a sponge moistened with vodka or alcohol;
  • Potassium permanganate - eliminates odor, but is suitable only for fabrics of dark color, not delicate.

In no case should bleach be used to eliminate odor. The tool will aggravate the situation and can affect cats, like sleeping pills.

Lemon juiceVinegarSoda and hydrogen peroxideAlcoholPotassium permanganate

Radical methods

They start radical methods when nothing else is left. If the owner is not going to breed cats, castration for cats or sterilization for cats will be the best option. The procedure should help, and the cat will stop marking the territory. It is important that the castration of the animal was carried out before he had contact with the cat. Otherwise, this radical method may not help. Usually cats are neutered before the age of 1 year. After the procedure, several months will pass before the animal ceases to label. During this time, there is a restructuring of the body.

How to wean an animal to spoil furniture

Having determined the reasons for the appearance of puddles or marks on the bed, it becomes easier to understand how to wean the cat to crap on the bed. It should be noted that one cannot become aggressive, apply brute physical force to an animal, poke its nose into a puddle. This will aggravate the situation, increase the stress of the animal. It is necessary to control yourself. The only acceptable punishment is to explain to the cat with a strict voice what she is doing wrong. Animals will perfectly understand that the owner is unhappy.

All soiled pillows, bedding, rugs, bedspreads, you need to carefully wash, remove stains and bad smell. Then dry everything. Dry clean the mattress whenever possible. Cover the bed with other clean linen. Since cats are focused on smell, it is very important to remove it.

It is further recommended that you inspect the tray. Rinse it even if it is dry and clean. Sometimes droplets of urine remain on the tray, which the owner does not notice. The animal, smelling, refuses to write and is poisoned in search of a new place. If a puddle on the bed appears after changing the filler or tray, you need to return everything as it was. If a small child or other family member has appeared in the family, enough attention should be paid to cats. They will experience stress from any changes, they are jealous of this. The cat needs to be picked up more often, caressed, treated to a treat. Also give animals sedatives of plant origin. The preparations are natural and will not harm the cat's health.

If all the described external causes are not reflected in a specific situation, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Perhaps the animal suffers from the disease and therefore pees in the wrong place. The veterinarian will take the necessary tests and perform an examination. These measures will help determine the disease of the animal. Also, treatment will be prescribed in more difficult situations - surgical intervention.

If a little kitten is scribbling, you need to treat the situation with patience and understanding. More often carry the baby in the tray. The best time is right after sleeping or eating. If the kitten went right, it is recommended to praise and treat it with a treat. A constant reminder of the baby about the place where he should defecate will bring results over time.

Another recommendation concerns urolithiasis, which is especially common for castrated cats and sterilized cats. It is necessary to regularly do rapid tests and visit a veterinarian. A constant examination will allow you to timely determine the first signs of the disease, start treatment on time.

Cats are demanding, they are jealous of the appearance in the family of new family members, other animals. The reason for the "surprise" on the master's bed can also be diseases, age-related features of their body. Animals need support and help from the owners. Attentiveness will do more good than nervousness, aggression, and physical punishment.


Watch the video: A Crap Guide to D&D 5th Edition - Sorcerer (October 2024).

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