Beautiful and unusual bookshelves in the interior


Home libraries are relevant to this day, moreover, today there are a huge number of different options for unusual and original bookshelves and shelves, fortunately, there are not enough materials for this at present, as there are enough fantasies of designers. Indeed, in the world of design, everything depends solely on the game of imagination. Judge for yourself if even such a seemingly boring thing as a bookshelf can be changed beyond recognition that it will only remotely resemble a bookshelf. And as a result of such experiments, one can obtain bookshelves of various characteristics. Some of them are very practical, others are striking in their compactness, and still others in their unusual appearance.

Home library is your favorite cozy corner

In order for the home library to turn into a cozy and comfortable corner of your home, you should equip it with beautiful and unusual bookshelves that will always demonstrate your uniqueness and exclusivity, as well as the presence of amazing creative imagination. Moreover, some ideas do not require the work of professional designers, because unusually simple in execution. Unusual bookshelves and shelves, in addition to the function of storing books, will also become an original decoration of the interior.

Types of unusual bookshelves

Well, firstly, it can be modular shelves for books, consisting of several identical blocks and which you can rotate as you like, creating new options. All the blocks are wonderfully combined with each other, from them you can build anything you like, whether it's a closet, shelving or just a partition. By the way, a very convenient type of shelves, especially since, if necessary, you can always buy additional blocks and thereby expand the design.

There is also a huge variety of wall-mounted bookshelves of the most unusual form, including invisible and thereby very original ones - if the shelf is full of books, then the console is completely invisible, you can arrange such a shelf as you like.

Book walls look no less impressive, although they require a sufficient area. But such book racks can make a full library out of a room, and besides, they look very impressive.

In general, I must say, the imagination of designers regarding bookshelves and shelves is simply not limited. A lot of options, moreover, the most daring and unimaginable. Book racks, for example, can be built into the stairs leading to another floor, or they can simply be located in the middle of the room in the form of a heap of small shelves.

If we talk about traditional bookshelves, then they all have a rectangular shape and consist of a wooden bar on two brackets that are bolted to the wall. But today we can, for example, replace wood with PVC, metal or plastic, as well as paint the material in absolutely any desired color. By the way, the shape can also be changed, say, to oval or round, and shelves can be several and not necessarily the correct shape and sequence. As well as it is not necessary to hang it all on the wall.

And if you take a few racks traditional from Soviet times and in a chaotic manner screw them to the wall, at absolutely any angle and at any height relative to the floor, you will get something extremely unusual and unique.

However, at the same time, one cannot but agree that the classic version of the bookshelf is still in demand, both in the wall and in the floor. Especially if the interior is made in the classical style, as well as if the area allows - in this case, a bulky floor bookshelf is ideal. The most spectacular mahogany shelf. Such a wall shelf is also suitable for the Art Nouveau style, however, with a minimum number of fasteners and it is desirable that it be painted in dark color.

And if the house has a very large number of books, then shelving with them can be made a bright accent of the interior, especially since in any living room there is a lot of space that you can wisely use to store books. And it is not necessary to allocate a whole room for this.

One of the fashionable options of recent times is the presence of rafters in the house, which can also be adapted for storing books, although, of course, in order to get them, you need a stepladder. In this regard, it is best in this way to store old books that are less in demand.

Shelves that look like bee honeycombs also look quite original.

However, you should always remember that bookshelves, like any other piece of furniture, must be in harmony with the design style of the room.

Watch the video: Interesting Ways to Add Bookshelves in the Living Room (October 2024).

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