Types of apartment renovation

After all, everyone will agree that going into the apartment with the author’s repair is much nicer than where the repair has not been done since the war ... The plaster crumbles, the whitewash is strewed onto the head and the sockets are sparkling - this is what you want the least when you get home tired. Well, what is the solution to the problem? Of course, make repairs.

Repair is a loose concept ... What is to be done? Overhaul, cosmetic, designer repairs with the preparation of a design project or a complete redevelopment with the rearrangement of the supporting partitions. Here, of course, everything depends not only on your desire but also on your finances, since repair is a very depraved business.

Types of apartment renovation

  1. Cosmetic repair is a superficial improvement of the room. Usually, new wallpapers are glued to the old ones from above, and ceilings are painted without repacking. Such repairs do not imply the replacement of windows and doors with new ones. They are simply repainted with enamel. Wiring and plumbing communications usually do not change.
  2. Overhaul is a full range of work to improve the condition of the room and replace all communications. Such repairs include the dismantling of the entire old finish, electrical wiring, plumbing, old doors, windows and heating systems with their subsequent replacement.
  3. Reconstruction is a type of overhaul, but in a more complicated form. Such repairs, in addition to interior decoration, includes the complete or partial displacement of interior partitions, the union of two or more rooms into one.
  4. Author's repair is a miracle of design thought. In addition to the finishers, a whole team takes part in such work: metal craftsmen, stained glass artists, heraldists, glass craftsmen, stone craftsmen, designers, sculptors and painters.

The main stages of repair

Preparatory work. The very first thing that an overhaul begins with is the dismantling work. You need to dismantle all the old finishes, tiles, electrical wiring, plumbing, old doors and windows - this is all the preparatory work. Before starting the decoration, it is necessary to install new plumbing communications, carry out new wiring, replace old radiators and pour screed on the lighthouse on the floor. The screed is poured in order to level the floor and protect the plumbing pipes that are located on the floor from mechanical damage.

Finishing work and wall plastering

Indoor decoration begins with plastering. Plastering the walls is carried out by lighthouses, with the aim of their alignment. There are many types of plasters with which you can perform plastering work.
Consider the main ones:

Gypsum plaster. This type of plaster is very suitable for interior decoration, as gypsum is an environmentally friendly material and retains heat well. The most important quality of gypsum plaster is porosity and breathability. This means that the walls will be well ventilated and a comfortable microclimate will always reign in your home.

Cement-sand plaster. It is not advisable to use such plaster indoors, as cement is not an environmentally friendly material. The main advantage of this plaster is its durability.

Lime plaster. Lime plaster in its properties is very similar to gypsum, but there is one main difference - the high water repellency of lime plaster, which is undoubtedly a plus. There is a truth and a number of minuses: it strongly corrodes the hands (you need to work only with gloves), it does not hold well on the wall, which significantly complicates the work.

Consider the process of plastering walls on lighthouses

Painting works

Painting includes gluing walls and ceilings, painting and gluing wallpapers, gluing and painting friezes in the corners between the wall and the ceiling. For indoor use water-based paint - it is environmentally friendly and odorless. As for wallpaper, there are so many varieties. Consider the most common of them.

Vinyl wallpapers
Such wallpapers are used in rooms with high humidity - in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the dining room. They consist of two layers - paper and polyvinyl. These wallpapers are very resistant to washing and are not whimsical at all.
Non-woven wallpaper
Wallpaper of this type is most often used in decoration. It is very easy to work with them, besides they have high breathability, which allows the walls to “breathe”.
Paper wallpaper
Wallpaper completely on a paper basis, are the most environmentally friendly among all other types, since besides cellulose they do not contain anything. For this reason, they are usually glued in children's rooms. True, they have one very unpleasant minus - it is very difficult to work with them.

  • Let's take a closer look at the varieties of wallpaper on video

Tile masonry

Today, there is a huge amount of tiles in stores - for every taste and budget. Most often, tiles made of porcelain are used, as it has high strength and is unpretentious in operation. If the surface to be laid is perfectly flat, you can use a mosaic. Such a tile looks very expensive and original on the wall, but it is very whimsical in work.

Floor coverings

After finishing work, it's time to make a choice of flooring. There is a very large selection of them in stores and it is necessary to select material purely for the room. In the bedroom, it is better to use natural coatings, such as cork flooring or parquet. For kitchen and bathroom, tiles are considered an ideal option. In the living room or hallway, you can lay a laminate or pour in a 3-D bulk floor. All materials have both their advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at the video:

No matter how expensive the repair of your apartment is, the main thing is that everything is selected with taste.

Watch the video: NEVER TOO SMALL 35m2 Tiny Apartment Design - Type Street Apartment (October 2024).

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