DIY mirror frame decor

Mirrors have long become a stylish element of the decor of any room. Surely you noticed that the design options of an unusual form have a rather high cost. This is not always justified, in addition, many simply can not afford to buy such an expensive decor. Therefore, today we propose to make original and no less attractive options with your own hands.

Pipe mirror frame

A beautiful mirror frame does not have to be made of familiar materials. In this master class we will make an interesting, no less stylish design, using the simplest polypropylene pipes.

We will need:

  • plastic pipe;
  • glue gun;
  • electric saw;
  • sandpaper.

Carefully cut the plastic pipe into rings of the same thickness. If necessary, you can make notes on it. We process them with sandpaper. This is necessary in order to make them smooth and without various burrs.

We glue the parts together so that their combination fits the shape of the mirror. Glue the parts directly to the mirror from the back.

Leave the product to dry. After that, boldly hang a mirror for the rings.

Original mirror decor

We will prepare such materials:

  • mirrors - 2 pcs.;
  • gift wrapping or wallpaper;
  • pen or pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors, clerical knife or scalpel.

We unwind the wallpaper and gift wrapping to decide what to use for the decor. We cut out the rectangles of a small size so that it is easier to place them on the mirror.

Carefully cut the paper in the shape of a mirror. In this case, a scalpel is used, but you can use scissors or a clerical knife.

We apply a few drops of glue and apply the prepared piece of paper.

Repeat the same with another paper or wallpaper. It is best that they have a different pattern. Due to this, you can create an interesting mirror design in the style of patchwork.

The result is a rather unusual hexagonal pattern, which is great for decorating round mirrors.

If desired, you can make a few more mirrors with a similar decor. To do this, we suggest using paper in a different color scheme.

We cut the paper in the shape of a mirror, and then glue it.

Stylish mirrors are ready! By the way, over time, you can change the decor. To do this, you just need to separate the paper and stick another in its place.

Mirror with lace frame

Many people think that a mirror should have a classic wooden frame. Of course, this is true if the design of the room is made in the appropriate style. Otherwise, there is always room for experimentation and unusual combinations.

Necessary materials:

  • round mirror;
  • lace napkins for cake;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • parchment;
  • spray paint.

We spread parchment on the working surface for protection. Put a lace napkin on top of it and paint it with spray paint. Leave to dry completely, not less than an hour.

Glue double-sided tape to the back of the mirror. Carefully trim the protruding ends.

Remove the top of the film and glue the painted lace napkin to the mirror. Press it well to glue the entire surface.

Stylish decorative mirror with an unusual frame is ready! It remains only to fix it on the wall. If desired, you can make several mirrors in the same style. Together they will look like a holistic composition.

Creative mirror design

To make the mirror look more original, it is not at all necessary to make an unusual frame.

Prepare the following:

  • mirror;
  • glass cutter;
  • sticky paper;
  • spray paint in gold color;
  • metal ruler;
  • varnish;
  • Scotch;
  • protractor;
  • sandpaper;
  • marker;
  • knife;
  • gloves
  • protective glasses.

First, wipe the mirror and put it on a stable work surface.

We put the protractor to the corner of the square and make serifs. We repeat the same thing on each of them. We put on glasses and gloves for protection. We apply a ruler and draw along the line with a glass cutter.

Press lightly on a piece of mirror to break it off. Repeat this with every angle.

Wipe the surface of the mirror with detergents and a napkin.

Glue sticky paper onto the front of the mirror. We make markup on it, as shown in the photo. Using a special knife that does not leave marks on the mirror, cut out the strips.

Carefully process the edges of the mirror with sandpaper.

Apply spray paint to the surface and leave it to dry. After that, apply varnish. We remove the sticky paper from the mirror, wipe it and install it in the room that is most suitable for the style.

Wire frame

In the process, we will need:

  • mirror;
  • scissors;
  • expanded polystyrene sheet;
  • pencil;
  • thick wires of gold color;
  • glue gun;
  • gold color acrylic paint;
  • nippers;
  • knife;
  • twine;
  • nail.

We put a mirror on a sheet of expanded polystyrene and circle it with a pencil. We retreat literally 2 cm and circle another circle. Carefully cut the workpiece with a knife. We color it in golden color and leave it to dry.

Using wire cutters, we cut the wire into pieces of the required size. We bend each of them in half. We insert the wire on the four sides of the workpiece, after which we fill the gaps with an equal number of rays.

On the back side of the mirror we apply glue in a rather thick layer and glue it in the center of the gold blank. Press for a more secure hold and leave to dry.

Take a small piece of twine and make a knot.

Through it we poke the cloves and fix with hot glue.

Insert the cloves into the workpiece from the back of the mirror.

A mirror with an original, unusual decor is ready! It will become an accent in every interior.

Mirror Design Ideas

Everyone can create an interesting mirror design. To do this, you just need a little practice and the result will not be long in coming. Bring ideas to life and share your work in the comments.


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