Crafts from old things: a selection of selected ideas with your own hands

Everyone has old or simply unnecessary things in their house. It is not necessary to get rid of them at the first opportunity. After spending only a few hours, you can easily remake them yourself and thus give them a second life. Interested in? Then read on, because we have prepared simple workshops, following which you can easily make beautiful decor with your own hands.

Original frame for the mirror

You can make a stylish, unusual accessory for the kitchen in just an hour. To do this, you will need:

  • metal cutlery;
  • glue gun;
  • plate;
  • mirror or watch;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

We put a plate on a sheet of cardboard and circle the outline with a pencil. Cut the workpiece a little smaller than the plate.

We place cutlery on a cardboard in a chaotic manner or in a certain sequence. Only when the result is completely satisfactory can you proceed to the next stage.

We fix metal elements on cardboard with a glue gun.

When all the parts are securely fixed, glue the plate on top.

The result is a frame for a mirror, watch or photograph.

In this case, glue the mirror and, if desired, decorate with beads.

Thus, very often decorate the clock for the kitchen. This accessory looks very unusual and original.

Leather belt mat

Old, worn belts do not have to be thrown away. On the contrary, we recommend collecting a fairly large number of them and making an original rug that will fit any interior.

Necessary materials:

  • belts;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • glue;
  • a small piece of fabric.

We lay out all the belts on the working surface and lay them out in the necessary order. With chalk we make marks in those places where it will be necessary to cut off the buckles.

Carefully cut off excess parts on each belt.

We lay out the belts in the correct order on a piece of fabric.

We connect the parts together with glue and leave until completely dry.

Unusual belt mat is ready! Depending on the number of parts and their location, the mat may look completely different.

What can be done from a suitcase?

It would seem, why store an old unnecessary suitcase? In fact, it can be an excellent base for creating beautiful, unusual and functional items. For example, it can be used to store children's toys, as a sleeping place for a pet, and even as a pot for plants. In addition, all this can be done with your own hands in just a few hours.

Original box for toys

In the process, you will need the following:

  • suitcase;
  • legs are small;
  • paint;
  • brush;
  • acrylic primer;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • the cloth;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  • PVA glue.

We prepare the legs and, if necessary, screw screws into them. They can also be painted in a suitable shade.

We clean the suitcase from dust and wipe it with a damp cloth. We cover it with a primer in two layers. After complete drying, apply paint to the outside of the suitcase and the ends.

On the inside, we attach a segment of synthetic winterizer or foam. This must be done not only at the bottom of the suitcase, but also on the lid.

In the same way, we attach a piece of fabric to the sintepon.

We paint the surface of the suitcase at our discretion. In this case, we offer to draw light, airy peonies with acrylic paints.

We cover the outside of the suitcase with acrylic varnish and leave it to dry.

We attach legs to the suitcase.

A beautiful, original toy box is ready!

Flower pot

An equally original option for using an old suitcase is to make a flower pot from it for indoor plants and flowers.

In the process you will need the following:

  • suitcase;
  • film;
  • priming;
  • construction stapler;
  • paints;
  • varnish;
  • brushes;
  • Earth;
  • expanded clay;
  • houseplants.

We clean the suitcase from dust and dirt, and also remove the lid. Wipe the entire surface with a damp cloth or rag. We cover the suitcase with acrylic primer in two layers and leave it to dry. If desired, you can draw light, barely noticeable patterns. If we completely arrange the appearance of the suitcase, cover it with varnish and leave it for several hours.

At the bottom of the suitcase we put the film and attach it with a construction stapler to the upper edge.

We put expanded clay on the bottom of the suitcase. We plant flowers and plants from pots in pots and fill the gaps between them with earth.

Please note that the flowers should mix well. Also, flowers and plants are best planted, focusing on their size. Due to this, the composition will look as harmonious as possible.

Plate Sweet Stands

Surely every house will have old plates and various services that are no longer relevant. It is from them that you can make original coasters for desserts and other sweets.

In this case, we need only:

  • bright plates;
  • glue gun.

Turn the plate over, which will be the basis for the stand. Put glue on the rim and put a second plate on top. Press it lightly for just a few seconds for a more secure hold.

Experimenting with the color scheme and the shape of the plates, you can make a variety of original coasters.

You can also use cups or even glasses.

To create coasters from dishes, not only monophonic products, but also colored ones, are suitable.

And of course, the stand in classic white is a great solution for the holiday and other events.

Pillow from an old sweater

Beautiful pillows of an original form always look great as a decor.

To create them you will need:

  • sweaters;
  • pins
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads
  • pillow filler;
  • thin paper;
  • sewing machine;
  • pencil.

On a piece of paper, draw a cloud so that the bottom is even.

We cut out the stencil, put it on the sweater and attach it with pins.

From the sweater we cut the workpiece and remove the paper.

We sew together two parts of the sweater, leaving a small hole to fill the cloud. We fill it with material and sew up the hole.

The result is beautiful, soft, decorative pillows made by yourself.

Towel mat

Necessary materials:

  • towels;
  • scissors;
  • pins
  • needle;
  • threads.

To begin with, we recommend folding the towel and cutting it into long strips of the same size.

From the blanks weave braids. For convenience, you can use pins.

When all the blanks are ready, we begin to twist them into a circle. We fasten them with pins and stitch them with thread for reliable fixation.

We remove the pins and place the mat in the bathroom.

As you can see, from old things you can make a variety of useful products for the home. Get inspired by interesting ideas and don't be afraid to try even the most difficult master classes.

Watch the video: 13 Easy DIY Home Decor Ideas Useful DIY Projects (January 2025).

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