Bathroom tiles: trending solutions 2019


  1. Reasons for popularity
  2. The main types of ceramic tiles
  3. Finishing Features
  4. Performance characteristics
  5. Small bath
  6. Fashion Design 2019
  7. The principle of choosing tiles
  8. Actual colors and styles

When searching for tiles for bathrooms, you should pay attention to both its appearance and its parameters. What types of tiles are there and what should be considered when choosing them?

Bathroom tile: reasons for popularity

Ceramic tile has been the most popular over the years. The demand for this type of finish is caused by numerous advantages:

  • relatively low price;
  • natural ingredients (burnt clay, kaolin, feldspar and other mineral additives);
  • ease of installation and possible local repair;
  • high resistance to water and chemicals;
  • durability;
  • a variety of colors, patterns, textures, styles;
  • various sizes of tiles;
  • high market availability.

What is ceramic tile and its main types?

Ceramic tiles mean thin plates of various sizes, which are used to cover walls and floors. They are made from a mixture of clay, sand with the addition of coloring oxides and refining, usually mineral, materials. After processing, ceramic tiles are fired at high temperatures.

The most common types of ceramic tiles include:

  • glaze;
  • terracotta;
  • porcelain tile.

In addition to the thinnest and usually the least mechanically strong glaze, other tiles are fired at very high temperatures, about 1200 degrees Celsius, which leads to increased hardness, resistance to stress and temperature changes.

Glaze is suitable only for walls. Porcelain or terracotta can be used both on the floor and as a wall cladding.

Glazed tiled bathroom

Glazed ceramic tiles are quite thin, created from faience, more fragile than terracotta, etc.

Appointment: Glaze tiles are best suited for wall cladding when placed in sanitary facilities due to low water absorption as well as medium strength. Most often used on surfaces that are not subject to mechanical stress.

Finish: enamelled surfaces, edges aligned, easy to fit.


  • many different design and decor options;
  • retain strength in contact with many chemicals;
  • sufficiently resistant to enamel destruction, high temperature;
  • poorly tolerate frost;
  • Often you can buy a similar pattern with terracotta to get a uniform effect.

Terracotta tiles for the bathroom: photo ideas

Terracotta tile for the bathroom is a ceramic granite material made from refined fine-grained clay.

Appointment: More often laid on the floor than on the walls, because they are durable and resistant to pressure.

Finish: The surfaces of terracotta tiles can be enameled, giving them a shiny, semi-matt or matte finish.


  • the impact resistance of terracotta is slightly less than that of porcelain stoneware and clinker;
  • for flooring has a sufficiently high strength;
  • has low absorbency;
  • resistant to acids and alkalis.
  • can be smooth or textured;
  • There are various patterns and colors;
  • can imitate a tree;
  • goes well with a rustic interior.

Finishing the bathroom with Gres tiles (porcelain tiles)

Tiles Gres has many varieties, depending on the raw materials used and the method of decoration. It is made of clay, ground quartz, feldspar, kaolin, mineral dyes and other additives, and all this is used in various proportions. Gres is characterized by a homogeneous mass throughout the section.

Appointment: stone tiles are most often used for flooring, some of their varieties work well even in very difficult conditions (for example, in laboratories, workshops). It can also be laid on walls.

Varieties: the so-called unglazed technical gres has a gray color, does not absorb moisture and does not become stained. Its option may be polished gres, which, however, has less resistance to stains. Milled stone tiles are easily used in bathrooms, as they can be glazed and then polished. Glazed porcelain tiles or so-called porcelain, highly pressed, are presented in different colors and patterns, including those that imitate well, for example, stone or wood. These tiles are supplemented with salts, mineral dyes.


  • technical ceramics are very hard, resistant to abrasion, poorly absorbed (less than 0.5%), resistant to dirt, acids and alkalis;
  • polished tiles (not very resistant to stains) can be muffled with heavy use;
  • glazed porcelain stoneware has low porosity, low absorbency, and high resistance to destruction, although its enamel can be abraded upon impact.

Ceramic tile Cotto

Cotto ceramic tile is a manually or mechanically formed clinker mass material made from pure clay originating from the Mediterranean or Central America.

Appointment: for floors as well as for walls.

Finish: They are thicker than other tiles. In the traditional unglazed version, they are porous, have uneven edges, cracks, scratches and a natural surface, which gives a special rustic effect. Most often they are small, sometimes polygonal in warm, natural colors (brown, orange).


  • without glazing, not very resistant to moisture and dirt, require impregnation;
  • especially suitable for heated floors, since they accumulate heat;
  • durable, original, but complex and expensive.

Glass tile

Glass tile can appear as a decorative mosaic, panel or spectacular pattern - often with different graphics and patterns. They are sold in a rich color palette.

Appointment: Glass tiles are usually used on walls, but some models can also be laid on floors. They can be used as decor for bathtubs, shower trays or the whole wall.

Finish: usually have a high gloss, although you can find models with a matte finish.


  • easy to clean;
  • many interesting colors and designs;
  • available with various graphics;
  • resistant to moisture, however, it should be protected from high pressure, since peeling may occur.

Features of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles, depending on the method of surface finish, can be divided into:

  • glazed (with visible gloss);
  • unglazed (untreated, matte);
  • engobed (the outer side of the tile is covered with a solution called engobe, which gives a matte effect);
  • polished (when the outer layer gets gloss).

If you want a uniform, even surface with small or seamless joints, you should choose straightened plates.

Tile straightening is a concrete improvement in tiles. It consists of additional machining: precision cutting, finishing the edges of the tiles, so that after laying the impression of the greatest possible uniformity of the surface. Rectified tiles can be laid with a very narrow seam (for example, 1 mm) or without seams. The laid surfaces are perfectly flat and smooth. This is especially important:

  • when laying large format tiles;
  • Minimalist bathrooms
  • for a combination of elements of different sizes;
  • in case of carved mosaic.

Expert advice:

  • It is worth remembering that smaller tiles are more difficult to keep clean: a large area of ​​the seams means a favorable area for the formation of mold.
  • Narrow seams are much more suitable for a bathroom with a large format, and wide seams should be chosen for small decorative elements, for example, mosaics.
  • It is important to choose both the size, color, shape, and the way of laying the tiles. In small bathrooms, tiles with large sizes or dark colors are a bad idea. Smaller tiles or mosaics look better in vibrant colors.
  • The shape of the bathroom can be visually adjusted, correctly placed tiles. The horizontal position of the tiles (corresponding shapes) of the tiles visually expands the wall, and the vertical laying narrows it down.
  • If you want to ensure a uniform shade of the purchased tiles, you should pay attention to the fact that the finishing material was chosen from the same production batch.

The most important characteristics of ceramic tiles in the decoration of the bathroom

The most important characteristics of tiles include absorbency, abrasion, slip resistance, hardness, flexural strength and chemical resistance.


Absorbency is indicated by the symbol E, which determines the degree of moisture absorption depending on the number of micropores. Resistance to bending and frost resistance also depends on absorbency, which is especially important in the case of tiles outside. There are 3 groups of absorption of ceramic tiles:

  • E = or <3% - low absorbency, for example, porcelain tiles, so it can be used outdoors, as it can withstand both rainfall and frost;
  • 3% <E <10% - average water absorption, these tiles can be used as an internal wall or floor covering.
  • E> 10% - high absorbency, therefore, intended only for interiors, mainly as a cladding.

Absorbability of tiles used in bathrooms should be at least average.

Abrasion resistance

The parameter is especially important in the case of floor tiles. The abrasion effect is manifested in the appearance of darkening and scratches on the surface, especially noticeable on shiny and dark tiles. The higher the tiles have a class of abrasion, the more resistant to damage the top layer.

Abrasion resistance classes defined by the PEI parameter:

  • from I to II (PEI 1. and PEI 2.) - in this class there is a tile that is suitable for rooms that are not very intensively used, such as bedrooms, guest bathrooms, where you wear slippers with soft soles;
  • Class III and IV tiles (PEI 3. and PEI 4.) - PEI 3 is recommended for living rooms, and PI IV are those that can already be successfully used in heavy-duty home bathrooms, corridors, kitchens - medium-traffic areas;
  • V class abrasiveness (PEI 5.) is most resistant to abrasion and destruction of the upper layer. Such tiles are suitable for very intensively used places, including public ones, for example, on busy entrances, in lobbies or corridors.

Slip resistance

In bathrooms, the parameter R means anti-skid, which is important for the safety of floors, cabins, bathtubs. R takes values ​​from R 9 to R 13, the higher the number, the lower the slippery of the tiles. Home bathrooms may have enough tiles labeled R 9, but it’s safer to use a non-slip coating R 12 or even R 13 in the shower.


Hardness is measured and given on the Mohs scale from 1 (for example, talc) to 10 (diamond). It is checked by trying to scratch the surface of the material, from traces from the nail to exposure to glass or a steel blade. The minimum hardness recommended for tiles in bathrooms is 5 on the Mohs scale (scratches made only with a steel blade). Gres tiles typically have a hardness of at least 8.

Resistance to bending and pressure

Resistance to bending and pressure is more important for tiles on the floor, as it determines at what stress the material breaks. The smaller the tile format and the greater the thickness, the higher the mechanical strength. The strength of the floor tiles must be at least 35 N / mm². In the case of wall tiles - 15 N / mm² is enough. For example, ceramic tiles have more than 45 N / mm².

Resistance to detergents, household chemicals

It is necessary to provide easy care for the bathroom tiles. Therefore, the stability of the finishing material to the use of means to maintain hygiene and cleanliness is necessary. All types of tiles should be easy to clean using the most popular materials. It is also worth using special means for cleaning and caring for the tiles, as they will provide them with the proper gloss and protection from dirt, fungus or mold.

Fugues and tile laying

Tiles should be laid with the appropriate glue and fugue, not forgetting to select them according to the place of use and color. Seams can increase the durability of tiles, reduce the growth of mold, fungi and minimize the accumulation of dirt. In the bathroom, use a solution with increased abrasion resistance and low water absorption. It is worth using a primer in advance to avoid contamination.

Tile for a small bathroom

Small sizes are a fairly common problem for domestic bathrooms. However, it is worth knowing that you can optically increase the space with the right tiles. What ceramic decoration material should be used in a small bathroom to make it look more spacious?

The space of a small bathroom can be visually increased not only with the help of equipment, mirrors and the use of appropriate lighting. It is also worth considering the choice of tiles, which has a significant impact not only on the final decoration of the room, but also on the visual modeling of its size. A great trick that works in a small bathroom is to lay the tiles on the walls only halfway and paint the rest in a uniform color. What other tile solutions would be appropriate in a small bathroom?

Tiles in bright and cool colors

Dark tiles in a small bathroom is not a good idea. She even optically reduces the already small room, overwhelming it. In small rooms it is best to use light and cool tiles. Especially good: white, bleached gray, ivory, as well as more fashionable solutions, such as imitation concrete or marble. Cool and bright colors make the room optically more spacious. White or light gray fugues corresponding to the tile should also be applied to create a uniform layer, unlike dark solutions, which will contrast with light tiles and, as a result, visually reduce the hygiene room. Choosing light tiles that can be a little monotonous, you should combine them with clear color accents. However, one should observe moderation in the choice and amount of colorful additives, so as not to create the impression of chaos in a small space.

Black and white or colored tiles on the floor of a small bathroom

An interesting solution in a small bathroom is the use of black and white tiles laid on the floor with diamonds. Such decoration, combined with light tile on the walls, preferably white, will visually enhance the interior. The black and white color scheme creates a very elegant effect, often found in classic, retro or art deco bathrooms. A small space will look more spacious due to colorful patterned floor tiles, such as a fashionable patchwork against a background of homogeneous light walls.

White and wooden tiles

White color optically expands, but also goes well with wood, being a very popular and favorite solution due to the effect of naturalness. this combination can be safely used in a small bathroom. Due to the heterogeneous texture, white with wood add depth to the interior, which means spaciousness. Brown combined with white tiles will work in small bathrooms decorated in a modern Scandinavian style, with emphasis on simplicity and naturalness.

Glossy Tile

In small bathrooms, tiles with a glossy surface are better than matte. Glossy tiles perfectly reflect the light and cause its diffusion, so you can get the impression of spaciousness. So on the walls you can see glazed or polished porcelain tiles, and on the floor - polished material that glistens beautifully, but does not slip. An interesting and at the same time bold move will be tiles with a silver or gold texture, which also reflect light well. A very popular mosaic will also create a beautiful effect. In small interiors, its brilliance and richness of form can be used, for example, to illuminate a sink or shower. When choosing a glossy tile, it is worthwhile to provide adequate lighting, which will contribute to the optical increase in the bathroom.

Decor in a small bathroom

Decorative tiles can also work wonders in terms of visually increasing the size of the bathroom. Skillfully used, they can enlarge or expand the room. In the interior, which requires expansion, it is best to use horizontal applications with wide patterns, and in the bathroom, which should be expanded, you can find vertical patterns with the corresponding patterns. Using decorative tiles in a small bathroom, it is worth using them in moderation, because the richly decorated decor in excess can overload the interior.

Large tile

It is a myth that using small tiles is the best solution for a small bathroom. Large tiles with straightened edges, arranged using a very thin mortar, create a uniform surface on the wall or floor. This effect guarantees a visual increase in the small space of the bathroom. Of course, small-format tiles will work well in this type of bathroom if the color of the joints matches them perfectly. Thus, an integral surface will be preserved without a clear color separation, and the bathroom will visually increase.

Horizontal tile

The small bathroom will be optically enlarged due to the horizontal arrangement of the tiles on the wall. In this case, it is worth choosing rectangular tiles of a large format, for example, 30 × 60 cm in size. Another way to get more space is to apply a bright, horizontal, contrasting color to light tiles. If the low ceiling in the bathroom is a big problem, you can visually raise it by laying the tile vertically on the wall.

3D effect tiles

3D tiles are a hit in the modern interior. Contrary to appearance, they do not affect the reduction of space. Thanks to the three-dimensional texture, such solutions add depth to the room and optically increase it, so they are an ideal finishing material for a small bathroom. To do this, they create an attractive, original and modern decor. Tiles can be an excellent solution for a small bathroom space, which will help to visually increase the space, but also enjoy the effect of highly aesthetic design.

Tile bathroom repair: fashionable design 2019

Recently, the most fashionable bathrooms are tiled in shades of gray and white. However, it would be very unfair if the stylistic diversity ended there. The choice of background, in the form of wall decoration, largely determines the style of the bathroom. Therefore, tile is one of the most important stages in the planning and arrangement of this interior. When you want to create a space inspired by one of the trends, for example, glamor, retro, minimalism, zen, eco, eclecticism, the Mediterranean, you must choose a tile that fits into this aesthetic.

What is the principle of choosing tiles for the bathroom?

First, consider the opinions of family members and their lifestyle. If you are an active person, work a lot, then for balance you need a quiet bathroom, which will become an oasis of peace. In this situation, you should choose a tile with a muted, natural or pastel color. When it comes to decor, choose one that is associated with nature, tenderness and relaxation. However, in the opposite situation, when the members of the household are young people who need excitement, a source of positive incentives, it is worth deciding on intense, decisive colors with a brilliant finish. 3D-tiles and those that allow you to create optical illusions, that is, with a texture in the form of waves, dots, stripes, etc., are most appropriate.

Secondly, the end result. If you want a refined space that is elegant and related to interiors, for example, glamor, then it is worth looking for glossy, decorated elements or varnishes. All pearl shades are also welcome. In this bathroom, the tile will work in large formats. If you care about a modern interior, then look for offers that are as discreet as possible. All gray, beige and blue tile colors will suit lovers of naturalness.

Thirdly, at the stage of choosing a tile, it is necessary to determine whether you will use such decorations as printing on glass or wall paintings on the wall in the bathroom. If so, it is worth using muted tiles, which will be the basis for displaying the graphic element.

When you determine your needs and style that you want to see in the bathroom, you can start searching for the most suitable tile. The choice in the market is huge.

Bathroom options: tiles in different styles

The blue color of the tile introduces a large dose of energy into the bathroom. It also allows you to create an expressive background for a marine composition.

White tiles in combination with their texture bring the room the effect of cleanliness, sterility and maximum illumination.

The combination of different designs allows you to achieve a unique location. Rich colors, a variety of graphic motifs allow you to use tiles in the bathroom in the style of fusion, ethno, eclecticism. The arrangement on the wall can be a specific image, representing the main decoration in a modern bathroom.

Moroccan motifs add character to your bathroom. Tiles with such patterns will make the bathroom very original.

Gray tile is one of the most important elements in the fashion of the bathroom for several years. It allows you to create interesting interiors: modern, minimalist, eclectic, zen. The gray color gives you a wide selection of location options when choosing accessories. You can play with the colors of accessories, changing the atmosphere of the bathroom.

Hexagonal tiles are now very fashionable. This interesting shape will give the bathroom a distinctive atmosphere.

Another trend is a return to nature, or tiles that mimic natural materials: wood or concrete. This solution is suitable for bathrooms decorated in eco-style, as well as in modern, Scandinavian or minimalist.

When designing a bathroom, you first need to think about what is expected from the finished room. Should it be multitasking, that is, act as a spa, toilet and children's playground, or will it serve as a bathroom, hygiene room for a quick shower? The time of perceiving the bathroom as a sterile and purely functional place has long passed. Now art is included in its interior, as bathroom furniture is not only storage space, but also carries an aesthetic aspect in the form of decorative decoration. Treat this space like any other place in the house. Allow yourself a little eccentricity by choosing the most suitable tile for the bathroom.

Watch the video: Top 5 Bathroom Interior Design Ideas and Home Decor. Tips and Trends (October 2024).

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