Florists' tips on propagating begonias by cuttings at home

How is it possible to get a new begonia plant as quickly and as guaranteed? In this we will help reproduction by cuttings.

In this article, we carefully consider the whole process, analyze possible errors and get acquainted with the rules for caring for rooted shoots.

After reading this material, you can grow a new begonia, and compliance with all conditions will give you a quality healthy plant.

Plant description

Begonia is a real treasure for the florist. Among its species, one can find both flowering and deciduous ornamental plants. The variety is so wide that describing begonia as a separate plant is quite difficult.

Teardrop-shaped, rounded, elongated, similar to a maple leaf or heart leaves of deciduous-decorative begonia shock their shapes. In addition, they have a very diverse color: red, black-red, silver, speckled, with a complex pattern, pink-green, purple and gray leaves.

Beautifully flowering species of begonias amaze with no less variety. During flowering, bushes are densely strewn with simple and pink complex flowers. Yellow, white, cream, orange, red, pink and purple shades of petals can be found among the diverse species of this plant.

Reference. Since the 17th century, this plant has been actively used in indoor and garden floriculture. In nature, there are more than 1000 species whose geographical homeland is Africa, Asia, India.

How to propagate - ways

Among such an abundance of species, indeed every lover of flowers will find a plant of their choice, most likely not even one. Therefore, we consider the options How can begonia be propagated at home:

  1. Seeds all blooming (not to be confused with beautifully blooming) species breed. The process is long and complicated. To plant and grow room begonia in this way is quite realistic, but you will have to take care of it at the initial stage, like a baby.
  2. Tuber division You can propagate tuberous species of begonias.
  3. Leafy cuttings and leaf fragments. Yes, begonia is extremely prone to reproduction, so even a piece of leaf can produce offspring.
  4. Stem cuttings, that is, the method of cuttings familiar to all gardeners. This method gives a quick result, with a fairly simple technology. The easiest and fastest method of propagation, which is suitable for almost any type of this plant.

General rules for cutting

In addition to the step-by-step instructions for the process, there are rules and conditions that must be taken into account to obtain a good result:

  • When and how best to cut? For indoor copies, the best time is the month of March. Plants planted in spring develop in harmony with natural biorhythms. If your begonia spends summer in the open ground, you can cut the cuttings in the summer.
  • The temperature necessary for the successful rooting of 20-25 degrees. This is very important, in an insufficiently warm atmosphere, the roots are unlikely to form.
  • Humidity also plays a large role in the process of cuttings. Therefore, for a guaranteed result, the cuttings are made a mini-greenhouse, simply covering them with a plastic bag or a cut plastic bottle. Cuttings should in no case touch the walls of the greenhouse. Shelter must be removed daily for ventilation.
  • The soil for rooting cuttings should be light, moisture and breathable. You can mix peat and perlite, or peat and sand.
  • A large capacity is not needed, because immediately after the appearance of small roots, the plant will be transplanted to its permanent place of residence. An ordinary plastic cup will do.
  • Lighting for cuttings is necessary, as well as for adult plants. Therefore, during the rooting period, the cuttings should be in a well-lit place.
  • For cuttings use only absolutely healthy and strong shoots.


Before planting in the ground cuttings must go through the following stages of preparation:

  1. With a sharp knife, cut off the apical part of the shoot about 10 cm in length. A prerequisite is the presence on the handle of 2-3 knots.
  2. The lower leaves are removed, you need to leave only 4-5 leaves on the top.
  3. The handle is left for some time to dry the slices. Once the cut surface is dry, rooting can begin.


  1. In a plastic cup, pour a mixture of perlite (sand) and peat, spill, wait until the moisture is evenly distributed.
  2. The stalk is dipped in water, it is also possible to use stimulant drugs such as root. Then they stick it into the soil by 2-3 cm, slightly press the soil with your fingers.
  3. Then cover the container with a jar, a glass or a bag. Place the mini-greenhouse with the cuttings in an illuminated warm place.

How to root in water?

If for some reason, for example, a bad experience, rooting in the ground scares you, then begonia may well give roots in water.

  1. To root, you need to take a transparent container, pour clean water at room temperature there, place the cuttings in it and wait. Only the bare part of the stem should be in the water, but not the leaves.
  2. Keep soaked cuttings in a warm and bright place, and also make sure that they do not begin to rot. No need to put a whole bunch of cuttings in one cup, it is better that they do not touch each other.
  3. As soon as the plant gives 1-2 cm roots, the shoot needs to be transplanted into the ground for permanent residence.
Tip. There is soil for begonias in specialized stores, but you can prepare it yourself. The main thing is that it be light, fertile and have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.

Photo of the rooting process

Check out the photo of rooting begonias:

What to do after?

Important. As soon as a new leaf begins to break through, the shelter can be removed. Now you can transplant begonia to a permanent habitat.

Let's consider, what conditions must be provided for a young plant:

  • The pot for a young plant should not be large, at the initial stage, 700-800 ml in volume is enough. There should be openings in the bottom of the tank for outflow of excess water.
  • Begonia land is sold in specialized stores. For self-preparation of the soil, you need to take 2 parts of turf soil and one part of leaf humus, sand, peat (read more about the optimal soil for begonias here).
  • A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the pot so that the roots of the plant do not rot.
  • Begonias are very fond of good lighting. However, the scorching summer sun can leave burns on the begonia leaves. Therefore, in summer it is better to place begonias on the eastern and western windowsills, or not on the windowsill itself, but next to it.
  • The room temperature is suitable for begonias within 20-25 degrees, in winter a colder atmosphere in the range of 15-18 degrees is needed.
  • Begonia needs high humidity, but it can not be sprayed. Therefore, to solve this problem, you need to put the pot on a stand in a pan with water, pebbles can be used as a stand. The main condition is that the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.
  • Watering is required abundant, but should not fall on the stems and leaves. You can water through the pan, putting the pot for 20-30 minutes in a container of water. Water for irrigation should be settled and have room temperature. In winter, watering is reduced, and tuberous varieties are not watered at all in winter.
  • Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers begins to be carried out from the beginning to the end of the flowering period. Nitrogen nutrition for flowering species is not additionally required. Deciduous decorative species of begonias can be fed with nitrogen fertilizers if the plant becomes weakened and frail.
  • In spring, you need to transplant the plant into a more spacious pot. You can do this at another time of the year, if the roots have already occupied all the space in the pot, and the plant is crowded. After transplanting, the flower is placed for several days in a darker place.
  • The formation of the bush is carried out, as with other plants. Pinch the main shoots to form additional ones, remove diseased and weakened branches, faded buds. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the plant does not get too much stress.


What if the roots do not appear?

  1. Refresh the cut on the handle that is in the water and change the water to clean. You can add root water to the water.
  2. If the roots do not appear in the soil, check if the soil is dry, cover the stalk to obtain high humidity.
  3. Check that all conditions of detention are met.
  4. Change the method of soaking in water for rooting in the soil and vice versa.
  5. Take your time and give the plant time. If the roots appear in the water after a week and a half, then in the soil it may take 3-4 weeks.

What to do if a young plant does not develop?

  1. Check if all conditions for the flower are provided.
  2. Inspect the plant for diseases or pests. Diseases appear due to improper care and are treated with special drugs. Pests can be removed manually, or use systemic insecticides.
  3. Perhaps the plant is simply flooded with water. If the plant is very ill, you need to carefully remove the earthen lump and leave to dry. You can replace the soil and cut the rotten roots. Then you need to return the begonia to the pot.
  4. If development stopped in the winter, there is nothing to worry about, with the onset of spring it will continue to grow.
  5. For recovery, begonia can be transplanted into the street in the summer. The main thing is that the landing site should be protected from strong winds, showers and the scorching sun.


Begonia is quite simple, both in care and in reproduction.. If suddenly the cuttings do not take root, you just need to try again. Such a versatile plant deserves attention and care. I wish powerful roots to your begonia cuttings!

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