Extraordinarily beautiful Strelitzia Royal. In detail about the flower, care and methods of reproduction

The plant described in this article can serve as a surprisingly beautiful and useful decoration for your room, garden or even a greenhouse.

This flower will undoubtedly delight you with its colorful flowering, the incredible shape of the petals and the brightness of the colors. The plant will be a real reason for the pride of any housewife, because it is impossible to divert an admiring look from him.

Exotic flower shape, incredible color and amazing aroma - royal strelitzia should be in every home!

About Strelitzia Reginae

Strelitzia Korolevskaya (in Latin Strelitzia reginae), "Bird of Paradise", "Royal Bird", Strelitzia smallifolia - a plant of the species Strelitzia, Strelitzia family, herbaceous perennial.


The British discovered this flower in the middle of the 18th century on the lands of South Africa, but Strelitzia is now cultivated on the coast of Chile, in Mexico City and Bangladesh. Its botanical name "Bird of Paradise" was received in honor of the wife of the English king George the Third, Charlotte Mecklenburg-Strelitskaya.

Reference. Strelitzia is the official symbol of Los Angeles, and since 2005, the national flower of the Madeira archipelago, Portugal.

Botanical Description

A plant of rhizome type, it grows on average up to one and a half meters, but can reach two meters. The leaves are oval, powerful, bald, dark green, 30-60 cm long and 15-25 cm wide, evergreen, arranged in two rows and form a crown.

Inflorescences are located above the leaves. Of these, densified, beak-like shells, cobs appear. The latter are directed perpendicular to the stem, which provides the Bird of Paradise with such an exotic and sharp look. This arrangement of inflorescences makes them a convenient place for planting Nectarians, amazingly beautiful birds, by the way, which pollinate the flower. The inflorescence opens and pollen sticks to the legs of the bird, and then spreads through the hot forests.

The flower itself consists of three orange or purplish-blue sepals with white petals. Two blue or white petals form an arrow.

Difference from other species

The main difference between Strelitzia Royal and other representatives of a kind is some compactness and its suitability for home growing. Her leaves are not as large as that of Strelitzia Nicholas, she is smaller than Gornaya, she is neater and more elegant than Reed and much brighter than Strelitzia White.

Such a simple, but undeniably useful set of qualities provided Strelitzia with a small-leaved popularity among amateur gardeners and people cultivating this species for cutting inflorescences.


Next you will see a photo of an amazing plant.

Home Care

Strelitzia reginae is a fairly popular ornamental plant. Therefore, there are many people interested in the issues of growing and caring for Strelitzia at home. Though "Bird of paradise" is not a whimsical plant, compliance with the rules of maintenance will help extend the life and appearance of the plant. Here are some guidelines in this regard.


During warm periods, watering must be plentiful and carried out every three days.

Earth should not be completely dry. In the cold season, starting around December, watering should be gradually cut back. The main thing is not to do this abruptly, since these actions can cause stress to the plant, which will lead to illness and death.

At peak winter time, watering should be done twice a month. Excessive moisture can lead to decay of the root system, which will cause the death of the plant.

Attention! Water for irrigation should not be cold or hard. Tap water does not categorically fit, it is harmful to plants.


In the winter, an acceptable temperature is 12-14 degrees. In the summer, it can correspond to room temperature. During periods of rest, the plant requires specific care.


Humidity should be around 60%. To do this, practice spraying with a spray gun. You can also wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


The plant needs diffused bright sunlight or partial shade lighting. If possible, you can put the plant on the balcony, avoiding direct sunlight. Also, an adult plant will feel quite comfortable under or near the windowsill.


Nitrogen fertilizers are recommended for Strelitzia. In the spring-summer period, feeding can be carried out once every 11-13 days. In addition, it is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. The soil should contain a clay-turf base with impurities of leaf and peat soil and sand.


In the initial stages of development, the Bird of Paradise is very active. Therefore, the transplant should be carried out annually in the spring. When the plant grows up, transplantation should be done every 2-3 years.

Besides, when transplanting, you must be extremely careful with the roots, they are at Strelitzia Royal gentle and require delicacy.

Important! If you find damage to the root system, they should be treated with charcoal.

Seed cultivation

As a rule, the reproduction of Strelitzia Royal occurs by separating from the plant the ripened lateral processes. But there is a way to grow their seeds and plant the "Bird of Paradise" at any time of the year. This path is more thorny and time-consuming, but its result is no less colorful and beautiful.

  1. So, having bought the seeds of Strelitzia royal, it is worth exposing them. Seeds are covered with small villi; they should be carefully removed.
  2. Soak the seeds in warm water. Tap water must not be used.
  3. Germination process should take place at 24-25 0FROM.
  4. After soaking, it is necessary to slightly damage the shell of the seed. For example, scratch it with a needle or nail file. This is done so that the grains absorb moisture better and germinate faster.
  5. On this, the subtleties of seed preparation end and you can plant them. For this, a completely universal soil for indoor plants or its mixture with sand in equal proportions is suitable.
  6. Soil before planting must be shed with warm water.
  7. It is better to plant each seed in a separate "pot" (a plastic cup is suitable for these purposes). It is also necessary to provide good drainage.
  8. The plant should be kept in warm and plentiful lighting under scattered rays.
  9. Depth of landing should not exceed one centimeter.
  10. Next, you need to water the seed abundantly and cover the "pot" with a transparent film.
  11. Germination can take from a month to six months. From time to time it is necessary to remove the film, ventilate and water the plant about once every 7 days.

When a sprout has broken through, it needs to be "tempered" with air so that the plant gets used to its habitat. Starting from 15 minutes in the air, this period should be increased over time.

Reference. Watering Strelitzia reginae at this stage is also worth it carefully. 100-120 g of warm water will be enough. Continue growth at room temperature.

After 4-5 years, it is necessary to observe the periods of dormancy of the plant, lowering the temperature and cutting watering for 3 to 4 months.

In more detail about growing Strelitzia from seeds at home, as well as about other methods of reproduction, is described in our material.

Additional breeding methods

In addition, the reproduction of the plant is carried out when it is transplanted by separating the shoots. But this method is unsafe. The gardener can damage the delicate root system of the plant than cause irreparable damage to Strelitzia.

  1. Upon reaching the plant 6-7 years of age, after its flowering period, the plant is freed from the pot and divided.
  2. They divide it in such a way that at least one escape is on each part.
  3. The selected shoot is planted in a pot about 20 centimeters in diameter. The size of the pot may vary depending on the size of the seedling.
  4. The soil in the pot should be suitable for Strelitzia and well moistened, the composition is described above.
  5. The first two weeks of watering is not required. Further carried out according to the rules of care for the "Bird of Paradise."

It is extremely necessary to be careful with the root system. Physical damage adversely affects the condition of the plant.

Diseases and Pests

The content of the "Royal Bird" is not a very whimsical plant. Therefore, there are not many possible troubles associated with it.

Attention! Compliance with the rules of care and supervision will allow you to avoid the vast majority of troubles. However, aphids or scale insects can tremendously harm the plant, and therefore upset the gardener.

Flowering problems

The flowering period of Strelitzia begins after reaching 4-5 years. Before that, it should be kept at 20-22 0C. After the content is worth adjusting. In the period from November to February, the plant goes into a dormant state.

The temperature should be 13-16 0C, and watering is done 1-2 times a month. With the onset of spring, the content must be returned to its usual state. Compliance with this rule is important for maintaining the plant in good health.

Yellowing leaves

This phenomenon can be observed with a lack of lighting, rotting of the root or low temperature of the content. therefore, when choosing a place for a plant, one should take into account its lighting needs, and also do not forget about maintaining the desired air temperature.

Inspect the roots. If the matter is in them, take care of their treatment, but before that, carefully study the necessary information so as not to cause the flower even more harm.

If the roots are in order, then change the conditions of detention or consult with specialists who will help solve the problem and give the necessary recommendations and advice.

Foliage drying

The reason for it may be an excess or lack of moisture.

Important! If the soil has a characteristic sheen - this is a sign of excessive watering. If the earth is cracking, then the fluid is not enough.


Strelitzia reginae was called "Bird of Paradise" completely justified. Back in the 18th century, she declared herself in the circles of botanical and public. She got her place in the royal greenhouse. Became a symbol of Los Angeles. Earned national importance in the countries where it was cultivated.

And in our time, an amazing and exotic plant can become an adornment of your home with a little work, but a big desire. From it will blow freshness and beauty. A whole firework of flowers and faces will open before you after a while, if you give it your attention and care.

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