Secrets of breeding Hoya at home. A detailed overview of landing techniques with step-by-step guidance

Hoyu is usually called wax ivy because of the structural features of curly stems and the structure of dense, shiny leaves.

Hoya - an evergreen flower, perennial, belongs to the subdivision of the gingival vinaceous family. In nature, grows in the tropics of southeast Asia, on the coast of Australia.

Prefers light forests, rocks, rocky wet areas. In Europe, a flower was introduced in the 20th century. Hybrid varieties of hoya are grown at home. From the article you can learn about the methods of plant propagation, as well as about the subsequent care of it.

When to start growing?

Important! Hoya, grown in the house, practically does not enter into a state of rest. A flower can grow and even bloom at any time of the year.

But usually, in winter and autumn, gardeners stop abundant watering and feeding so that the hoya regains strength and rests. Recommended in early spring breeding and transplantingwhen daylight hours increase.

How to choose and prepare the soil?

For hoya, a neutral or slightly acidic substrate is preferred. Many gardeners use ordinary garden land. You can prepare a special mixture for growing hoya.

Based on leaf land

  • Sheet land - 1 h.
  • Humus - 1 hour
  • Clay - sod land - 2 hours
  • Drainage is required.

On the basis of turf land

  • Sod land - 2 hours
  • Greenhouse land - 1 hour
  • Sheet part-1 h.

Another option

  • Clay - sod land - 2 hours.
  • Sheet land - 1 h.
  • Sand - 1 hour
  • Peat - 1 hour
  • Pieces of charcoal.
  • Drainage layer.
  • The choice of soil for hoya depends primarily on the type of plant. So, one kind of haworthia can perfectly dwell in ordinary garden soil, while another variety needs special soil.

    Therefore, before replanting a hoya of a certain type, it is necessary to study in detail in what soil and under what conditions a flower lives in the wild.

Breeding methods


Pros and cons of the method

Hoya is usually not propagated by seeds at home (about whether it is possible to keep a hoya at home and why it is dangerous, read here). Hybrid varieties do not produce viable seeds. Sowing is usually done in special conditions, in wet greenhouses.

How to choose and prepare seeds?

Seeds usually ripen after flowering, are in pods. For sowing, they must be well dried.

Important! Use the seeds throughout the year, the hoya has a short seed viability.

How to plant - step by step instructions

The procedure for sowing and germinating seeds is long and laborious:

  1. Burlap or artificial fibers are added to the sand - peat substrate.
  2. Seeds begin to break through in a week.
  3. Seedlings contain at a temperature of at least 20 - 22 ° C.
  4. Additional illumination of seedlings and regular watering in small doses is required.
  5. Seedlings are grown up to 2.5 - 3 months.
  6. When 3 to 4 leaves appear, seedlings are transplanted into small pots.

For the prevention of rotting seedlings, spraying with copper-containing preparations is necessary.


Advantages and disadvantages

Propagation of hoya by cuttings is the most reliable and easy way to grow. Cutting is best done in the springwhen transplanting young flowers, pruning long viable shoots.

Preparatory stage

Cuttings are taken only from healthy intact stems. Slanted obliquely 6 - 7 cm in length.

Each planting cuttings should have 2 - 3 pairs of leaves and nodes. A cut is made below the nodules; it is in the internodes that the roots develop.

Before planting, the cuttings are lowered into the solution of the root growth stimulator for 1 - 2 hours.

Root cuttings can be in water or a special substrate:

  • Drainage layer.
  • Sand - 1 hour
  • Peat - 2 hours

How to root - the procedure

The procedure for cutting Hoya is simple, it is carried out sequentially:

  1. The pot is wrapped with foil or a dense cloth.
  2. Cuttings are carried out without light entering the substrate.
  3. Treated cuttings are lowered into the substrate by 1 - 2 cm.
  4. The pot is installed in a warm place - 21 - 23 ° C.
  5. For better rooting, the cuttings are covered with a film or foil.
  6. The greenhouse is aired daily, after 10 days the shelter is removed.
  7. After 2 - 2.5 weeks, roots appear.
Attention! Root growth cannot be allowed, this makes it difficult to transplant into the soil, the root processes are brittle, the flower can take root for a long time, get sick.

Pots for planting cuttings use small - 9 - 10 cm in diameter. In one pot you can plant 2 - 3 cuttings.

The substrate for transplanting hoya after rooting cuttings:

  • Leaf land - 2 hours
  • Sod land - 1 h.
  • Sand - 1 hour
  • Humus - 0.5 hours
  • Mineral fertilizers.
  • Drainage.

It is also easy to grow hoya with stem layering:

  1. On a long shoot a shallow incision is made, the incision is covered with moss or sprinkled with a substrate, fixed, wrapped with a film.
  2. After the appearance of the roots, the shoot is cut off and planted in a separate pot.

Hoya Rooting Video:


Pros and cons of the method

It is almost impossible to propagate the hoya leaf. The leaf must be planted in light soil, where it will take root well.

However, flower growers note that the planted leaves in the ground root well and quickly, but do not grow or develop. In other words, an adult, beautiful flower will never grow out of a leaf.

This method of growing hoya is not practical, it is not used by gardeners at home.

Preliminary stage

The rooting process is long, for the effectiveness of the method it is important to use leaves of only natural varietiesnative to the tropics.

How to propagate - action algorithm

Hoya leaf propagation pattern:

  1. Slices are treated with a root stimulant.
  2. It is important for the leaf to preserve the petiole.
  3. Leaves are planted in a special substrate at an angle of 45 °.
  4. Within a week, a new escape appears.
The root hormone - heteroauxin is pipetted onto the base of the sheet.

How to grow in expanded clay?

Experienced growers grow hoya in hydroponics or expanded clay. The method is used with a well-developed root system, when the root shoots are strong enough and large. Most often, this method is used when germinating cuttings.


In the photo below you can see how wax ivy seeds look:

And this is the cuttings of hoya:

Aftercare for wax ivy


Flowering and development of Hoye requires a temperature of -20 - 25 ° C. An increase in temperature in the summer is undesirable for the flower, the hoya will begin to hurt.

To reduce the air temperature in summer heat, shade the windows, increase the air humidity - place water containers near the pots, spray the flower with a fine spray every day, and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

In winter, the temperature decreases by 4 - 5 degrees, but it is recommended not to allow sharp temperature drops. Temperatures below 14 - 16 ° C are unacceptable for tropical hoya.


Hoya loves moisture, the substrate should be moist, but not moist, especially in autumn and winter.

Attention! Drying of an earthen coma should not be allowed. Hoya roots quickly die out from drying out.

Water for irrigation should be used only settled, soft, warm, 35 - 40 °. In summer and spring it is necessary to water abundantly, regularlyevery day in small doses. On especially hot days, it is imperative to irrigate the bushes, wipe the leaves, removing dust from them, refreshing and preventing diseases and infections. You can use 1 time in 2 weeks a warm shower - bathing.


Hoya prefers a bright place in the apartment, but under direct rays the flower will not last long - the leaves will start to turn yellow.

It is better to install pots on the eastern or western part of the house. It is advisable to shade southern windows in summer with a light, light cloth. Young seedlings are not recommended to be exposed immediately to the sun., a gradual adaptation of the flower to bright light is required.

In winter, on the contrary, the hoya may lack light - it begins to drop leaves. In this case, artificial lighting is required with special phyto lamps for 2 to 3 hours a day.

Pruning and transplanting

Young plants are recommended to be replanted every year in the spring. Adult hoya can be transplanted once every 3 to 4 years. The crown of the flower grows quite quickly and needs reliable support.

When transplanting, it is advisable to prune long stems. They can be used for further cuttings.

After flowering, the peduncle should not be cut, on the old peduncle new buds are formed.

You can plant branches when 4 to 5 leaves appear on them, this procedure contributes to branching of the hoya.

Top dressing

Hoya needs to be fertilized only in spring and summer, during the dormant period, the flower is not fed. Fertilizers are applied once every 15 to 20 days.

As fertilizers, it is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers for succulents or for any flowering plants.

Important! If the leaves began to turn pale, lost their elasticity, the substrate lacks nitrogen.


During the annual transplantation of young seedlings, it is necessary to use large pots 2-3 cm in diameter.

Pots, planting containers, flowerpots, tools should be treated before boiling with boiling water or chlorine-free disinfectants.

It is important to make drainage holes in the landing tanks for breathability and drainage of excess water during irrigation. In one pot you can plant several seedlings at a distance of 7 - 9 cm from each other. Hoya in a group planting looks thick, this gives a special decorative flower.

Read more about caring for hoya here.

What to do if the flower does not take root?

  1. If the leaves of the hoya lose their brightness, begin to curl or dry out - you need to increase the temperature, perhaps the hoya began to freeze and stopped growing.
  2. When the flower gets rid of the leaves, the stems are exposed, it is necessary to moisten the air (to find out why the leaves fall on the hoya and what other diseases, pests can be found in this article). Spraying leaves, shading windows, reducing watering will help.
  3. With prolonged drying of the soil, hoya can lose buds, it is necessary to regularly moisten the substrate.
  4. Hoya does not take root in a raw, knocked-down substrate, you need to transplant a flower, change the substrate, be sure to add a drainage layer. In the absence of drainage holes and drainage, the roots and stems can decay, which leads to the death of the hoya.
  5. Hoya should not be moved during flowering, the flowers begin to fall.
  6. If young seedlings are poorly received, do not develop, nitrogen fertilizing is required. The root system needs fertilizers, you can feed any root growth hormone, you can use a urea solution, in the ratio of 1 - 2 g of fertilizer per 1 liter of water.
  7. If the hoya does not take root, it is necessary to examine the flower and soil for the presence of fungal and pathogenic infections.

    • The fungus is treated by spraying with a solution of phytosporin.
    • If the hoya is affected by a spider mite, the bush should be treated with any isecticides.
    • From scabs, aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies, treatment with korbofos will help. Small insects are collected by hand. The leaves are wiped with an alcohol solution.

In order to grow a healthy hoya, to maintain a bright variegation of leaves, to achieve a bright dense flowering, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of caring for this flower, to prevent overfilling and drying out of the soil, to dose fertilizing, to monitor lighting and temperature of the content of exotics.

Watch the video: How to make Hoya houseplant Wreath very easy (October 2024).

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