Health benefits: medicinal properties of the agave and contraindications

Aloe tree is a succulent evergreen, also known as agave (how is agave different from aloe?). It is a branching shrub that can reach two meters in height. Often cultivated at home.

The agave is unpretentious, decorative and has a high growth rate. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The leaves and juice of the plant are used in the manufacture of pharmacological preparations, natural cosmetics, as well as in the creation of therapeutic drugs according to traditional medicine recipes. In the article you will read how to use it at home for medicinal purposes, which helps.

What is useful?

Attention: The unique properties of the agave were known to man back in ancient Egypt, where the juice of its leaves was an indispensable component for embalming.

Agave leaves have a rich chemical composition, including:

  • Acids (malic, n-coumaric, isolimonic, salicylic, cinnamon, citric, succinic, chrysophane, hyaluronic, etc.).
  • Amino acids (lysine, valine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, etc.).
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, chromium, etc.).
  • Flavonoids.
  • Sugar (glucose and fructose).
  • Polysaccharides.
  • Vitamins E and C.
  • Bitterness.
  • Resinous compounds.
  • Esters.
  • Traces of essential oils.
  • Antraglycosides (nataloin, emodin, rabarberon, aloin, homonataloin).
  • Beta carotene.
  • Vitamins B (thiamine, folic and nicotinic acid, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin).
  • Tannins.

A diverse composition leads to many directions for the use of aloe for medical purposes. There are a lot of recipes for using agave in folk medicine.

Application in traditional medicine

“The flower is unprepossessing in appearance, but as a healer famous,” says a popular saying about aloe tree.

Ointments and lotions prepared on the basis of agave juice significantly facilitate the healing of purulent wounds. The plant is also useful in the rehabilitation of patients who received radiation exposure. For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, a small amount of the succulent juice used internally helps improve peristalsis and the production of beneficial enzymes.

In addition, aloe-based traditional medicine helps with diseases caused by:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Diphtheria bacillus.
  3. Typhoid bacillus.
  4. Dysenteric wand.
  5. Streptococcus

Aloe as a medicine is a strong immunostimulating and antibacterial agent; its use is effective in the treatment of colds of varying severity and etymology. The properties of the plant are also successfully applied in the framework of facilitating gynecological diseases through traditional medicine methods. Aloe juice helps and, if necessary, cleanse the body of toxins. The juice of the leaves of the agave contains the same amount of mineral salts as in our blood.

Can it hurt?

It can, like, however, any other remedy used for medical and preventive purposes. It is possible to prescribe treatment for yourself on a centenary basis only if it is necessary to use it externally as an antibacterial agent.

The agave will not cause serious harm in the framework of cosmetic procedures. Oral use of this plant should be coordinated with your doctor. This is due to the presence of a number of contraindications, among which:

  • Allergy (including a tendency to skin rashes).
  • Pregnancy at all times (treelike aloe can provoke a miscarriage and premature birth).
  • Liver disease.
  • Renal failure.
  • Tendency to high blood pressure.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • The presence in the history of several diseases or diseases in the chronic phase.

Do not neglect the dosages of aloe when taken orally, since the plant can cause severe poisoning if the substances contained in it are exceeded in the body.

Important: I would like to note that any treatment based on the use of the agave should not be the main one. Drugs made from plants can only accelerate and maintain the effect of the basic procedures prescribed by a doctor.

What treats at home?

The aerial part of aloe contains more than 200 components. This fact allows us to talk about the plant as a real storehouse of healing properties, among which:

  1. Normalization of the digestive tract.
  2. Decreased blood sugar.
  3. Antiseptic and healing effect.
  4. Treatment of a number of gynecological diseases.
  5. Relief of anemia.
  6. Treatment of pulmonary and catarrhal diseases.
  7. Treatment of ophthalmic diseases.
  8. Elimination and correction of cosmetic defects.

Agave has been successfully used in the manufacture of a whole list of medicines of a wide range, both in classical and traditional medicine.

How to use?

Self-treatment with an agave involves the use of plant leaves or juice extracted from them. Consider the most popular examples of the use of aloe in traditional medicine.

Aloe juice and leaves are at least three years old.. Ideal from the point of view of the concentration of nutrients is a century of age 5 years and older.

Juice Recipes

Vision Aid

This therapeutic composition will help improve vision. Would need:

  • ½ facetedabout a glass of agave juice;
  • 500 grams of peeled walnut kernels;
  • freshly squeezed juice of 3 lemons;
  • 300 grams of honey (preferably liquid).

Mix the liquid components, then pour the crushed nuts. Mix the resulting composition well and insist for at least 24 hours at room temperature. Take a tablespoon before each meal.

We recommend watching a video on the preparation of a medicinal composition with aloe to improve vision:

From hair loss

Excessive hair loss will reduce aloe mask. To create which you need to cook 1 tablespoon of honey, agave juice, as well as egg yolk.

The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp. It is recommended to wrap the head with polyethylene, and wrap a towel on top. Rinse off the mask after 30 minutes with a regular hair wash.

We recommend watching a video about a hair mask with aloe, honey and egg:

From the leaves

Fortifying mixture for colds and pulmonary diseases

For colds, coughs and pneumonia, a prescription of the following components will help:

  • 100 grams of aloe tree leaves;
  • a glass of liquid natural honey;
  • a glass of good Cahors.

Grind washed and dried agave leaves. Add honey to the resulting slurry and let the composition brew in heat for 72 hours. After the required time, pour the mixture with wine and leave for another day. Drink a medicinal decoction immediately before meals for 1 tablespoon.

Do you know that in the middle of the last century there was a century in almost every house? The plant was called nothing more than a "home doctor", and knew how to use its properties in the treatment of more than a dozen diseases.

We recommend watching a video about a fortifying mixture of aloe with honey and cahors:

To improve the digestive tract

Tincture from the agave will help increase appetite, improve the digestibility of food, improve the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to take:

  • 50 grams of aloe leaves;
  • 2.5 liters of good vodka.

Put the freshly cut aloe leaves in the baking paper and put it in the lower compartment of the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Grind the raw materials aged in the cold and place them in a bottle, add vodka. Return the tincture to the refrigerator for storage. Drink a teaspoon half an hour before meals.

We recommend watching a video on the preparation of the healing tincture of aloe on vodka:

See other recipes for using agave here.

Aloe contraindications

Whatever parts of aloe are used, oral administration of plant-derived agents has a number of contraindications. So, you should not use products made on the basis of the agave in the presence of:

  1. Chronic diseases.
  2. Liver or kidney disease.
  3. Allergies.
  4. Internal bleeding.
  5. During the course of pregnancy.


Aloe is a unique plant that can increase the beauty and health of a person in the case of competent and reasonable use of its properties. Do not forget to consult a qualified doctor before using funds from the agave., and the plant will give you many years of health and strong immunity.

Watch the video: Coconut Oil vs MCT Oil: Benefits and Safety of Each: Thomas DeLauer (October 2024).

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